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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. not much of a cloak person myself
  2. Well i got a shoping list for me next fair 1. a tail (lost mine *snif*) 2. a bottle and holder to go on me belt (not sure if i be needing this) 3. A new hat! (tricorn or bust) 4. A man! Then i think a break is in order.
  3. i try to keep my accesories to a minimum
  4. *shakes her head and drinks her rum* *mutters*unics all of them
  5. good luck to ye
  6. have fun with that pynch
  7. I've seen pictures of god i forget who it was but she's in a guild and she wore red ones... i dont wear them but then again i wear black leggings under me dress. Not period i know but i hat dresses!
  8. well i know that but what i ment was i got no where to put it on my garb as cluttered as it is
  9. Thanks pynch i have a feeling that with all the accesories and my hat it will all work out
  10. That what i thought but the guy who wants to lead is almost a professional rapiear fighter
  11. *shrug* i think i just say half of my comments to pick on z
  12. good luck to ye mermaid
  13. *shrugs* its for a school club that dosnt accept pyrates
  14. aye i should have it by escondido only problem is it isnt very pyraty is it?
  15. well then its going to be one hell of a thanksgiving with jack by me side
  16. aye but at the same time you'd be having trouble with your insults
  17. I be getting my self some new duds to kick off me fall sesson and into the winter
  18. I be livin in southern orange county! you think you girls got problems the men here are almost as shallow as the wemon
  20. yeah but there arnt any lads here
  21. i would get one but i dont know what i'd do with it
  22. laura is that such a bad thing?
  23. i'm sorry for being negative today to all who seem to be rather pissed at me *shrug* and i'll give it a try
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