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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Well Z that was blunt thanks for sparing her feelings
  2. i heard about that show and the new cd is fookin great
  3. you are ignorant arnt you?
  4. oh i hate being on the west coast! i want to go.....
  5. they are lovely
  6. there be no men folks that come around that ofen save z and mostly he dont count
  7. i know how that is and dont get sad..... *hugs* and yeah he is a prick
  8. Well back in the days of me short lived marrage i knew a boy named well lets call him c well i had, had a fling with him before this and c decided to walk back into my life while i was married and stuff i'm not to proud of happened thus my marrige was broken and then he treats me like i dont exsist. So i see him monday and as he's leaving he gives me a hug and scratches my head like old times.... good i hate him!
  9. i think most of us would love
  10. so far i agree with most get your self a belt mate
  11. *shakes her head* i dont think i could possibly enjoy having something so scary
  12. I be in orange county doth that count?
  13. ah dont think that way.... oh on a side note i nearly broke someones jaw the other day and made my friend blush like crazy.
  14. thats great laura and thanks for your guy's suport i guess i'm just going to have to cut bait on this one....
  15. i tend to get a kit piece by piece over ebay or from fabric stores and such.
  16. *drinks her rum* you ever know what you want and know that to get it you'd have to change your life but your not sure you want to throw it all away on the hopes that it would work....
  17. Thats great laura!
  18. what are you talking about thats mine!
  19. what are you thinkin about! *lol*
  20. carrot that just wrong
  21. but i dont like fish!
  22. *sniff* however inferior in manors men may be to chocolate theres a few things men can doo that chocolate cant.... *smiles*
  23. *tries to smile starts to cry* thank ye... *sniff* and ye be wrong miss a man can cure my ills.
  24. I refer to my outfit/garb/costume/kit as well... mine usually.
  25. i think thats just smashing maybe i can use that idea for a web site final i have to do.
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