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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Mary takes another giant swig of the rum. "I hate him so much, I do i hate them all" and she began to cry.
  2. i supose so but some wemon really want out
  3. no problem it was worth the laugh i got
  4. well if your that unhappy
  5. "What are you talking abooooout.... i'm sooobe uuummm sobbbe ... not drunk"
  6. you and me both darlin!
  7. is now disterbed
  8. Bloody Mary finally makes her grand entrance, more or less. Stumbling through some small vegitation until she comes upon the large group of people completly drunk off her arse and spouting some jiberish about life, god, and country all to the beat of a whine then turns and walks to the edge of the lagoon and sits watching the water. While she kept her stare she retrived a bottle of Captin Morgans privet stock and took a big swig of it. "Drink up... me hearties.... He's such a hoe"
  9. wow what an evil master mind signing in as a guest now we shall never know who she was tis an eternal puzzle
  10. this is true *sips her rum*
  11. that was bad...
  12. well starting monday i had my classes canceled so i decided to go to dell taco with friends only to come home and get yelled at by me pa fallow that up with tuesdays sucky japanese test. Writing short stories Wed and another test today!
  13. oh aye i am having a bad month so far
  14. lol thats great!
  15. *crawls in slowly and sits on a stool slumped over the counter* uuuugh
  16. of that i have no doubt
  17. *waltzes in and sighs*
  18. awe come one we all have a true love waiting for us
  19. i be 19 years old
  20. you watched opera and you liked it, secretly you love it lol
  21. obscure to me but i'm sure someone got it
  22. i'm sorry silver but it will be alright they may leave but your friends will always be with you no matter what
  23. i apologize, i have always had massive problems with gramer and spelling. Also, i didn't mean to offend you in anyway and if i did i'm sorry its just that sacrificing goats is a little much for a joke.
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