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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. I do like it the part you've shown anyway and dont worry about the bildge rat thing it goes by fast any way keep it up
  2. Well i be female and in the last relationship i was in the role of dominance would shift from day to day.
  3. books are so beautiful.... enjoy that
  4. oh the power of a personal calling card
  5. Actually animal i thought about the ps part of your post and i remebered there was a guy that i flirt with off and on and the first thing that atracted me to him was his red hair that was and still is receding
  6. tis a shame that most men are becoming shy in todays world
  7. nah, i be knowen he was gay he was just so damn cute
  8. thats it love go buy a man it works better trust me and be careful he isnt a gay elf
  9. lol whiskey in the jar lol favorite pirate song i dont have favorite sailing song be the grey funnel line by the poxy bogards
  10. aye silvers got the right idea
  11. congrats to all that shall dictate the seas
  12. Then dont just sit there in port
  13. dont worry i will
  14. aye thanks for the tip *marks oct. 16 on calander*
  15. thats me mates birthday and i think they want to go thats why i asked that way i can sneak away buy one and claim i've had it the whole time
  16. oh aye tis all fun but what of poor z's feelings
  17. do you know if its a specific "land" that you can get it from (me has a season pass and was thinkin of going)
  18. its when you talk to much that gets me
  19. *Looks up at Bilgemunky post* ohhh my goodness....that is quite the imagination......
  20. aye tis all fun until someone gets hurt *hugs z and whispers into his ear* Then its hilarious
  21. this is just another reason i love this sight everyone is so suportive i really wish i could send you guys something to help but seeing as i am feeling a bit of a money crunch i cant go out and get him anything but give him a good time and a smile from me.
  22. Your on gaia too?! okay and back to topic Good luck on your creation venture i'm sure it till be loverly
  23. fine then metaphorical unics!
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