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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. eh i dont know.... not a big fan of this kind of stuff i like jeena jameson (sp?) but eh worth a shot
  2. woof thats alot of proof lol
  3. we are all going to die
  4. for those times you have to just reach out... and flog somebody?
  5. this is perfect i could start the out fit for my beau
  6. whats cool is there headlining this one
  7. 23 three days till more table dancen lol oh yeah! of course my man worries a little more everyday.
  8. homework what a pill
  9. beverly hills by weezer
  10. a little stressed out
  11. wow we are all just sick arnt we
  12. getting ready for work
  13. one of my favorite group for debatchery are playing the galaxy in santa anna nov. 4th Band: The Poxy Boggards / Nathan James & Ben Hernandez / Zak Morgan Price: $15.00 buy tickets Time: 8pm http://www.galaxytheatre.com/
  14. great work ye should be proud... its too much clothing for me but then again i've always been simple.
  15. i found some cold pizza yippeee
  16. The chest is lovely but a bit bulky and new mines a small one but i use it every once in a while to store my tips for singing or story telling.
  17. finally the sound of silence
  18. good luck- i'm feeling sick to my stomach and an ache in my back
  19. nothin my family is out of food
  20. trying to budjet my money
  21. a count down hmmmmmmm i dont know
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