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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune
Well then.... There you have it. GoF
I am expecting the sample within the month (February). Then its deposit time. I think that we have about 20 now and probably another 10-15 that are awaiting the "word" on the sample to confirm. As soon as I hear something, I will let you know. GoF
As with most things in the pirate hobby, It depends on what you are looking for . As the resident a-hole and broken record, I will chime in with some booty goodness. But first, if you are interested in correct period shoes, save some money ( or start saving some money) for the Authentic shoe group buy (there is a group buy thread in the plunder section for a pair of shoes based on the ones found on the Whydah 1717 wreck... approx $135) Boots for Piracy I'll back Hurricane up by saying that you really get what you pay for in the boot category. I have a historical footwear fetish so they are important to me, but I don't think the majority of the hobby cares if shoes/boots are correct for their period or not I have seen more "correct" historical costumes ruined with bad or out of period shoes than I care to count.... it really is the Achilles’ heel of a good impression. There has been some discussion on this board (and any other board that discusses pirate minutia) about the appropriateness of boots for the Golden Age of Piracy. There doesn’t seem to be much evidence in the pictorial record… Foxe has posted an interesting snippet on a map that shoes “someone” walking through the picture scene with boots. But we can’t tell if they are landsmen or sailors in the context of the picture. I think there is another one of some French sailors with some natives but I cant recall where it is at the moment. The rest of the pictures that we have of GAoP pirates and sailors all seem to be wearing shoes. From Teach to Rackam, they all have shoes on, not boots. I think that if you were doing an earlier period, it would be more feasible to have boots. Hurricane is doing a pre-GAoP Morgan impression, and since Morgan seems to have been “the MAN” when it comes to piracy, privateering, and Govnor’ing, it would be plausible to have a nice set of boots. ASIDE to HURRICANE Way cool signature photo dude! I like your Morgan site too. Good luck with that venture. Anyway, at this point you are probably hoping that I will shut the F up about boots because you have already decided that is what you want. Soooo…. If I was going to get a pair of boots, and had the coin to spend I would probably go for some by Sarah Juniper http://www.sarahjuniper.co.uk/18c.html The style of boot is actually an earlier (late 17th century that is) boot. Correct boots should be straight lasted (not right and left but one that is made to fit on either foot). Sarah makes one that has all the correct bells and whistles (like a timber heel). She doesn’t give away her boots or her time though so I hope that Uncle Sam’s tax kickback is hefty. Good luck
Wow Pat, good work! Can't wait to see them! GoF
Please Help... Need Fast (and Good) Shirt Advice!
Gentleman of Fortune replied to Mick MacAnselan's topic in Captain Twill
Pat... That is what I thought. Kass says there is evidence of the "yoke" on earlier extant examples. I have never held or seen a GAoP shirt ( or earlier) except for in books, so if she knows of some, that would be good to know. GoF -
Please Help... Need Fast (and Good) Shirt Advice!
Gentleman of Fortune replied to Mick MacAnselan's topic in Captain Twill
I was refering to the shoulder yoke. I thought/read/heard that that was a later addition. You have evidence of it on earlier shirts? Interesting. Would you say it was a common or uncommon variation then for GAoP or ? Curious GoF -
Please Help... Need Fast (and Good) Shirt Advice!
Gentleman of Fortune replied to Mick MacAnselan's topic in Captain Twill
I am curious as to what Kass thinks and to what you decided... ? GoF -
Please Help... Need Fast (and Good) Shirt Advice!
Gentleman of Fortune replied to Mick MacAnselan's topic in Captain Twill
The collar should be a stand up collar. Also, there is a "later" variant that turns up as well. This is a shirt with a "reinforcement" "yoke" at the shoulders. I am pretty sure that this is a F&I or Rev war addition. Hope this helps in time. GoF -
Pirates and the National Body Challenge 06
Gentleman of Fortune replied to Paisley's topic in Beyond Pyracy
I am late to the game but would like to joing nonetheless... I registered at discovery and have PM'd Paisley. Good luck to all! GoF aka Handmortar -
shoot! Hurricane beat me to being first! I think he's going to be a great Captain Morgan though so i don't mind. gof
I am kind of curious.... What pirate sites do you find yourself going back to over and over again, or which sites do you think have the most usefull information? I would like to get a list of NON_FORUM sites. The ones that the Pirate People think are the best. A lot seem to rehash the same information, and even less are updated regularly, but still, I would like to know.
Pat.... do you have a picture of the "crude" ones that you did find? original ones can be pretty crude too. The button bytes site has some good info. Unfortunately, they describe buttons with terms like "18th Century" which, of course is a 100 year span. Most of the ones they show are really 1750+ (though still 18th C, are out of our period). Tombac buttons became really popular around the American Revolution (and they have a lot of them on that site). I am interested in solving this puzzle as well (finding brass buttons) so let us know what you find!. GoF
The Admiralty Slops Contract (ASC) of 1706 called for brass buttons. While other types of buttons may be found on period clothing, Pat is trying to find some brass buttons that meet the description of the ASC and follow period construction guidelines. SO..... Putting my picky-picky hat on....... The ones from wooded hamlet (if you were reffering to THESE ) For my taste, they are a little large. There smallest domed button is 7/8". I would feel a little more comfortable with a button somewhere between 5/8ths and 3/4 inch. Also, the domed shaped and the wire shank are not necessarily later, but that style seems to be more prevelent post 1750 and certainly during the last quarter of the 18th century. There are some GREAT buttons pictures for recoverd 1715 shipwrecks HERE As an example, from the site about is this button (which I would love to have reproduced) I have a few original buttons... most in pewter. I will try to take some photos this weekend and post them here to compare. GoF
WoW Black John! Well done! GoF
Here is one most of you guys might enjoy. http://frontierfolk.net/ipw-web/bulletin/bb/index.php Their main focus is land based stuff.... but there are interesting discussions in "the Boatwright's shop" GoF
We are working on the shoe sample now... I will post back when we get more info! GoF
Don't forget the Period Shoe group buy! There is a thread for it in Plunder! E-mail me if you have questions Greg (aka GoF)
Pat Let me know if you find an Indian source for those brass ones. I have a "small" collection of period buttons (16th-19th centuries) and have seriously been considering sending some off to the Chineese (or Indians) to copy. If this has already been done, that will save a lot of time and effort. GoF
Josh... I like the new bio pic of you with the pipe... Cool! Sounds like you can make a good authentic meal with oatmeal, peas, and salted meat. GoF
Pat I am looking for some authentic brass buttons as well for my ASC jacket. In my opinion, they should be like the pewter ones here... except brass But I don't think anyone is making them like that. I also don't like the modern shiny pewter. Now, I am not a pewter expert, but period pewter had lead in it and modern pewter doesn't. Does anyone know if historical pewter was all nice and silver/shiny when new? GoF
Pat... I noticed the same thing about the missing pyrate period. I suggest, or even ask you to go into the "using the forum" forum at the muzzle loading site and ask if they would "add" a section for 1600-1750. I did a while back and the forum owner kind of said... "if there is enough interest he would add one. A couple of people chimed in, but then it kind of died out. So if someone else were to raise the issue again, we might meet critical mass. While you are at the forum.... check out "the builders bench". There is an online how to class for building a muzzle loader ca'ded "gun building 101" its outstanding! GoF
CAPTAIN JIM.... Whoaaa man, that would be way freakin cool! I like the twin gun setup you have in the second picture. Man I can't wait to see that! Do you have a line on a 6 pounder already or are you having it made for you? Please hurry up and start the project and the new thread here so we can see it all happen. What parts are you working on researching first? GoF