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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. I think you did an outstanding job! GoF
  2. This is pretty cool. Stop by and add yourself to the Pyracy Pub Map! http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub (can we sticky this thing?) GoF
  3. Update: We are going to push back this class a bit. Kass's move is over, but her DSL is not hooked up and she found out she might not be able to get it in her area anyway. I think it is important for those of you who do not have a lot of hand sewing experience to get the basics with Kass before we start the Shirt project. Lets start the Hand Sewing on Nov 1st and the Shirt on the 10th of November. For those of you who haven't gathered there materials, you got an extra week! GoF
  4. Ok you pirates! You only get 5 CDs, ONE book and ONE Pleasure! its the choosing that makes it fun! GoF
  5. Seems that this thread has morphed a lot. I think the original question was what we (as men) notice about a women first. Then it turned to what aspects we like and what hair color, and then the thread got too long so i skipped to the end. Of course, there is all of that mumbo jumbo stuff about personality.... Have you ever noticed how those guys that say they don't care about looks, they like _____ (fill in the blank with sense of humor, classy lady etc) They say that stuff but 9 times out of 10 they have a hot girlfriend/wife or both. So, what do I notice? I think that the first thing that I notice is the body weight to build ratio. and a split second later her age. As long as the women is "proportional" I then determine whether I will go to jail for evil thoughts (too young) or if she is a friend of my Grandmother (too old). Boob size is not an issue with me But I like legs and butts. and the taller the better (as long as they are proportional) And I love Red Hair. GoF
  6. In the spirit of the Game.. In no particular Order The Smiths - Hat full of Hollow Robert Cray - Strong Persuader Vince Guardaldi Trio - Charlie Brown Christmas Trance Europe Express - Multi-Artist Compilation Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition Book- Lord of the Rings Pleasure - Bag o' Weed NEXT?
  7. When I lived in England, they had this show on the radio (outstanding Radio 4 which I LOVE!) where they would have a celebrity/famous person on for an interview but the theme was: If you were on a desert Island, what pieces of music would you take with you (assuming the means to play it) and One book (they give you a Complete Works of Shakespeare and the Bible so you can't choose them) and One guilty pleasure (some choose chocolate, some an intsrument, toothbrush, some a bag of pot etc) I will simplify it to what would be your 5 CDs? Book? Pleasure?
  8. I have been hanging out in the Muzzleloading Forum for the last few weeks. I know Story checks in there too. If anyone is interested in Black Poweder guns, its worth checking out. Word of Warning: It is a forum and it has all the good and bad that all forums have (authentic VS fantasy debate etc) and most of the discussion is on 1750-1850 firearms for Treckking and Rendesvous crowd types but there is sections for pre-flint and cannons as well. http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/ubbthrea.../ubbthreads.php GoF
  9. OK.... you got me! Thats COOL! GoF
  10. Ships carpenter.... and the Ships cooper had a whole range of axes that he used as well. I would think that any axe from the period would be reasonable. So the trick now is finding a period axe. GoF
  11. My other speculation is that there seem to have been a lot of trade axes heading to the new world. If a pirates job is to intercept commerce, I would imagine that they might find a cargo of axe heads useful. GoF
  12. For those interested, I have pictures of the Thrum, Peter the Great, and Monmouth hats at my site.... http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/tricorne.htm GoF
  13. Again, by looking at the period axes in the 1725 Bonney and Read picture (earlier in thread) I would have to agree with you. Those don't look like "boarding" axes at all (in the sense that they have no spike at all). For my personal kit, however, I would not want want that was definately a later 1700 pattern (even though it might be reasonable for GAoP)... but that is just me. GoF
  14. I agree with Black John. We are hampered by the lack of originals to go by. There is the one in the link posted earlier that is from Spanish wreck off of Florida and i think it is being dated to the early 1715. It has no langets (side straps that protect the wood handle near the head). Also, the spike seems "thinner" than the robust one on most of the repros. Much like other weapons from our period, I don't think that there was much standardization. Countries might of had "styles", but I would imagine that blacksmiths were making what they could and that is what was being used. The problem with the repros now seems to be that they are being based off of boarding axes that came about later in the 18th century when there was a little more standardization. That causes those of us who are obsessive to see a repro axe and say, "thats later in the 18th century, not period for GAoP". But I think with a little imagination and a good metal file, you could "alter" one to make it passable. Just my two cents. GoF
  15. Sorry dude. But keep your chin up. There is a market for your goods, so we will await the Grand Re-Opening! GoF
  16. Montero hatseems to be "15th -17th century, round crowned cap with divided flap that could be turned up or worn down, form of cap still worn by huntsmen and farmers" The only thing I could find for a picture was from English Civil War sites. I take it you have your heart set on the Captain Blood hat huh? There are some unknown areas in the GAoP Hat world. Most pictures of period sailors seem to have them in some sort of knit hat or a tricorn. I have updated my hat page with some other picuteres of hats. I have read that sailors would even "tar" their knit hats. take a look for pictures and links http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/tricorne.htm GoF
  17. Here are some period hats... some are on pirates, some sailors, and some are on Gentlemen... My pirate interest really only concerns the Golden Age of Piracy (and maybe a decade or so either side), and I have only been studying and researching the topic for about the last 8 years or so (which pales in comparison to some on this board). But most of what I have read or seen period pictures of in regards to hats for the period of 1680-1730 refers mainly to tricorns, round hats,, red caps, and some sort of knit hat like a Thrum or Monmouth. The below picture represents a few hours time and rudimentary knowledge of Photoshop (and a great idea from the Salacious Historian). While it mainly concerns tricorns, if anyone has any other period picture of appropriate hats, pleas let me know and I will try to add it to the image. GoF
  18. Now wait just a minute... You guys are trying to make it out like Experimental Anthropologist is some sort of bad word or something! I am gussing a lot more of us fall into that category than we would like to admit. Despite what we think we know about Pirates (GAoP at least), we really don't "know" a lot about them. We know what pirates in the movies are like (which is why so many of us adopt Treasure Island-esque "personas", but there is not too much information about pirates, and most of what is out there has not come from pirates themselves. As Experimental Anthropologists, we try to fill in those gaps by creating clothing that is, to the best of our ability, exact copies of theirs, buying weapons that are replicas of theirs and learn how to use them (hopefully like they did), we go aboard replica ships and try to do the things that they did to gain a greater insight to the experiences realting to folks that lived 300 years ago. While you might lump all that into "living history", I think that living history pertains more to periods in history where there is already a great volume of knowledge and we get the clothes and participate. Experimental Anthropology, to me, is reserved for areas where there is not a lot of factual knowledge and we fill in those gaps, with our best guesses, via recreating the circumstances. Example The best known Exp Anthro is Thor Heyerdahl who had an idea that South Americans sailing westward might have been responsible for settling Polynesia, rather than Asians sailing eastward. To prove his thesis, Heyerdahl built a primitive balsa raft, fixed a sail to it, and launched the boat from Peruvian waters. Now, there were not any extant South American rafts available, but he use knowledge about those rafts to construct one and made the trip to Polynesia in it on his famous trip, chronicaled in Kon-Tiki. Now was he a "living historian"? ....Well yes, just like the grand canyon is also a "hole in the ground". GOF
  19. Edited and began new thread over in Captain Twill Tricorn Hat Development
  20. Deadeye (and anyone else) I question that too. I know they were supposed to have had "boarding axes", but I think that during this period, there were no "standard" axes. There is some information On Boarding Axes HERE The ones we often see for sale are the later Brittish type, and the ones for our period seem to be more like a spiked tomahawk But if that is the case, what the heck is Anne Bonny Carrying? GoF
  21. Yes... I am pretty sure that the cannon was developed from someone pouring gas on a treestump and lighting it. GoF
  22. hmmm... Or you can take a lampshade, spray paint it black, and affix a skull and crossbones with white pipe cleaners... Arrr...
  23. The problem is just finding a repro boarding axe for sale. If anyone has a good link to one (a GAoP era boarding axe that is) I would appreciate you posting it. The only one I could find that looked decent was THIS ONE: But I am not sure that this company is still trading... I have tried calling them a few times (they have the pedersoli Queen Anne kit for $200) but I can't get them to answer the phone or answer an e-mail... which is not a good sign. GoF
  24. There is a debate about whether to wash or not, depending on what results you want for your end product... The sizing is not appied to the thread, so don't worry about unwashed threads. Kudos for getting your stuff ready! GoF
  25. Egad! Great price on those Adam! For those that don't have slops, and have been asking where to get them, this is an opportunity not to pass up! GoF
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