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Everything posted by kass

  1. Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeeze, darling! I've never known you to choose the weaker drink in your life! Don't listen to 'im, Cap'n Pete!
  2. God save 'em indeed! Somebody's got to! I live to scandalize them...
  3. Hee hee hee... You shoulda been at the MD Faire yesterday, Rats ol' boy. We were sitting around at the end of the day singing "Stand and Deliver" and "Jolly Roger" and bearing strange looks from the crowd.
  4. Aha! My turn! This weekend I finally met Crimson Corsair and Mick MacAnselan. The Fells Point Pirate Pub Crawl next year is going to be a blast with you guys! Mad Woman Cheryl and her sister Sealegs Constance swung by the encampment to say hi right before we went out to shoot the cannon. Major Chaos and his lady, Susan, stopped by briefly. It's always good to see them. I heard tell that Rogue Mermaid was about, but I missed her. I think we met at the PA Faire though (well, Celtic Fling on the Ren Faire grounds). I also met Dorian Lassiter there that weekend. Hawkyns and Kathryn Ramsey I've known for years. And of course Blackjohn and [Wee] Jim Hawkins and the boys of the Pirate Brethren have been my mates in many other centuries since I started in this hobby. Met GoF at The Original Reenactors' Market last March and of course Foxe. Glad to know you all!
  5. Just for you, Rats! Apprentice #1 made the mistake of making me take off my mantua because she thought I was going to rip it. She didn't realize what I'd been hiding! This shot was taken only moments before Apprentice #3 ripped the bloody thing off me.
  6. Good thinking, Ransom. Yes, copyright automatically applies as soon as we post here. But copyright can be lost if it is not defended. Therefore I entreat anyone who sees characters or plots resembling ours anywhere else on the 'Net or in print to alter us immediately. If we do nothing, the copyright will cease to be our own. So we need to watchful eyes of our fellows to help us be ever diligent.
  7. Hey Rats! Do you think now is a bad time to tell the Captain about my neon green Foxe tail?
  8. That's because they know what the Captain will do to them if they don't !
  9. No, Captain Jim! I'm no sea dog! I'm wearing my cocked hat, but with lots of HUGE feathers. And possibly another hat of undisclosed description, also with lots of feathers. And whatever else I can fit in my luggage...
  10. No way! I'll be there again, Greg. You know where to find me. I'll be wearing a rather large hat.
  11. Oh! And he's so YOUNG in that one!!! Dorian, you sir are a scholar and a gentleman! I'll be in my bunk...
  12. Cheers Morgan! The next round's on me.
  13. Eyeliner AND bucket boots! <-- Give me a tall beautiful Englishman in eyeliner and historically accurate bucket boots, and I'm a goner! --> And that cute little braid on his forehead with the light blue bow... um... oh. Err... Sorry guys...
  14. Oh no, no, no, Jack. Try "Room at the Top": Made in England Born and bred An 18th century brain In a 21st century head <sigh>
  15. Unless, of course, you're Adam Ant! <sigh> Adam Ant...
  16. But the Romantic Period technically doesn't start until 1810 and... Sorry, Pat, I just had to.
  17. And I was just making fun of the fact that if it's not a dress accessory, I don't know about it. Kind of a one-trick-pony, me!
  18. Well, okay then... Because my girls don't service crew!
  19. Okay, those who aren't going to Ojai, the MD and PA Ren Faires, or Civvie stuff this weekend, feel free to start. The rest of y'all, Monday the 25th is your start date. I'll be around to help if you need me. Remember -- read through all the instructions BEFORE you cut anything. Don't make me have to tell you twice.
  20. In the 80s, I used to wear a sail needle through my ear...
  21. kass

    My word

    That's because all fiddlers are mad!
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