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Everything posted by kass

  1. Ouch Rats! Sorry to hear this. Do they know what was causing your pain at least? You're in our thoughts...
  2. Who cares! I don't have to live with him!
  3. I had oatmeal with weevils in it once. Well, I didn't eat it. My campmate handed me a bowl and I looked at it and thought, "What are these interesting little shapes in the oatmeal?" They probably weren't weevils but moth larvae. The instant oatmeal packets had been sitting on her shelf for sometime, but she figured if they were never opened, they'd be fine.
  4. Oh! Bless you, Hester! Bless you! {They're not supposed to make Englishmen that pretty!} <swooning>
  5. So can Adam Ant! I think the Navaho Nation made him an official member for positively promoting Native Americans!
  6. See, I wouldn't even aspire to trifle! I aspire to having men cook for me.
  7. You guys are the best! I've seen a recent upswing in UK orders. Strangely concentrated in the South of the country...
  8. And Reconstructing History, McBarnacle! Don't forget to mention Reconstructing History!!!
  9. As someone who frequently burns water, I take offense!
  10. Wooo HOOO!!! Good plan, Jack! And I have just the boots for it...
  11. I've not had the pleasure of interacting with Scrounger yet, no. But I can see that we have similar obsessions. As if I wasn't psyched up enough for this trip!
  12. Oh would you, McBarnacle? That would totally ROCK! Jack, Siouxsie is one of my all-time favourites.
  13. Hee! I dug out my vinyl last week after that discussion of Adam Ant.
  14. McBarnacle, Such good taste you have! For me, it's the Craft soundtrack today. PS -- DK ROX!
  15. Captain Sterling, Take a look at the cover of Picard. If you have the same edition I do, there's a picture of a still life by Hoogstraten. I dimly recall a white (ivory?) toothbrush in it... Kass
  16. I would like to officially deny all responsibility on account of the fact that I was on a different continent at the time.
  17. You really just can't beat Dutch genre art. The stuff in the periphery is almost as interesting as the subject of the painting!
  18. The National Living HIstory Fayre Nearby The Original Reenactors' Market on the same weekend. Anyone going?
  19. Liz and I have very similar colouring, actually. Right about now, you might want to be asking yourself where I was while all this "fiddling" was going on.
  20. Silly Cheeks! That's not me. That's Apprentice #1. {I'm almost a foot taller than her.}
  21. Colour me scandalized, Pat! Um... Haven't you seen the pictures of me at Maryland last weekend? Do it, man!
  22. Oh Foxe! You always spoil all my fun...
  23. And the Brothel Scene upon which our new business card photo is based. {Which, being not as lawful as Blackjohn, I will post:}
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