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Everything posted by kass

  1. You have a friend with a wide format printer that can print on a range of media, you know? Fully colour. Sepia tone. Anything... :)
  2. Hee hee hee! Well, get here, Rats, and make sure you don't mind confined spaces!
  3. The ones you're looking at in those photos, Captain Midnight, are from a company called Skyes Sutlery. Have a google search to find their website. You have to order via phone though. The ones on those men are ECW era -- 1642-1649. That's all I know about Montero caps. Perhaps Foxe can turn up a later date for you.
  4. Hey Jim, you forgot the "Wee"! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Me, my real name is Kass. Well, my full name is Kathleen, but that's what Kass is short for. It started off when I was 12 and my friends' Mom who was from Germany couldn't quite say "Kathy". I always hated being called Kathy anyway, so Kassie I became. Then my Irish-speaking friends told me it was pretty common to call a person with curly hair "Kass" (or rather "cas"). It's the Gaelic word for a curl. Incidentally it's also the verb to turn a corner and the adjective "twisted".
  5. Hey Scrounger, how well do you Sheppy guys fold up? Because if I can pack you into my luggage, you can come to the Lockhouse too!
  6. Try velcro, Alva! I hear it works wonders and they found evidence of it on the Mary Rose!
  7. Oh Foxe... You're such a tease!
  8. ...and yet strangely familiar! I really am looking forward to meeting you all at the Legoland gig in a couple weeks.
  9. Captain Sterling, that's 'cuz I'm subtle!
  10. Your Birthdate: October 13 You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way. I'm dying! I'm just dying!!! Your strength: You always get the job done Even if I am still hemming in the car on the way... Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Your power color: Gray As in "Mistress Catherine Grey," my character name? Your power symbol: Checkmark I love checkmarks! Checkmarks and lists! Lots of lists! Your power month: April Never cared for the Spring. Much prefer October...
  11. Hey Caraccioli, What are the benefits like? Kass
  12. Ditto, Pat! I hate that! Well, I don't really sew for a living. I keep a colony of elves adequately fed and watered and they sew for my living. I just tell them what to do. I run an Evil Empire (I mean, own my own business). Started as a hobby, became part time, and this spring I had to quit my day job (as a graphic designer) just to keep up with it. Blackjohn, Huzzah! Congratulations!
  13. What, did the budget get approved or something, Jim? You getting paid again?
  14. My husband wears the Ligoniers. He has ridiculous feet too (we call them "flippers"!). If you cut down the latches to fit a smaller buckle, they're not bad. A have another friend with smaller feet and he ordered the woman's shoe, "Barbara". This is actually a really period-appropriate style for men! Unfortunately, they don't make it in men's sizes (yet -- write to Fugawee and tell them you're interested and someday they might!). But for men who have smaller feet, it's terrific. I'm always on the look-out for men's shoes because my husband has such hard-to-fit feet and we do too many reenactment periods to have everything custom-made. I have the "Anna" model. They're fabulous and do well for about 200 years.
  15. Oh, you're sure not, Chole! I sometimes take a notebook with printouts of period still life paintings so I can check 'em. None of my pewter ewers are perfect, but one was free and the other two were £20 each (which isn't bad since the period-perfect ones were £150!).
  16. Cool! Got any pictures to share, Captain, so Chole can go shopping?
  17. Well, I'd sure like to buy Tightpants and Alva a round! Guys? You in? Period-appropriate mugs not required! :)
  18. Those of you who have been following this thread may notice that it has changed significantly in the last few minutes. That's because I got out my moderator stick and started swinging. This forum, by its own definition, is "Academic talk on maritime history, research, & interesting info." It is the place for posting research, enquiring about other people's research, asking questions about things appropriate to the Golden Age of Piracy, and related subjects. It is NOT the place for people to post "Well this is what I use and those who don't like it can go blow!" And I will NOT tolerate such posts. I will also not tolerate slams against people who choose period appropriate accoutrements for their kit. I will hear no whining about "elitism" "naziism" and other such rot. We don't come into PIRATE POP and tell you that nothing you like is period appropriate. So if you're not interested in historical things, don't come to this forum. If you don't like what we're talking about, don't post here! In other words NO TROLLING! I will delete your posts. All your posts. And if you think you can push me further, I'll have you bounced. Understand? Now play nice.
  19. Simple answer, HarborMaster -- because they cut the right jib for the GAoP and no one is making period-appropriate shoes available off the rack. There's really not a double standard here at all. Fugawee caters to the Rev War and Civil War crowds primarily. But the shoes I have from them can be found as early as the 1570s and continue right through the 1770s. Change the buckles or ties or shoe rosettes and I can wear them for two centuries! Sometimes things are like that. Sometimes not. You can't just wear your Rev War shoes for GAoP, but if you know what GAoP shoes should look like, you can pick shoes that look the same.
  20. Well, Greg, it's unlikely to pull vendors away now because as I hear it, the Living History Fayre was created by vendors who weren't approved to sell at TORM. They schedule it opposite TORM on purpose so vendors have to choose one or the other. I'm given to understand that TORM is a little later period and NLHF is more medieval. And TORM is a little more stringent in their standards (but, of course, this was told to me by a vendor at TORM, so take it with that particular bias in mind). I'm going to both because they're only something like 10 miles away from each other and I have wholesale customers at each. :)
  21. If there's a Hancock Fabrics near you, Pete, try there. They often have terrific wools.
  22. Oh, I've never been accused of that! (being sane nor boring...)
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