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Everything posted by kass

  1. No, I don't think you can wear fids either...
  2. Master March! What would Mistress Skittles say if she heard you calling me "Habibi"!?!??!?!
  3. I think what people are seeing as a cigarette is his finger. It's exactly how someone holds their fingers when they're doing snuff. But the joint jokes were funnier!
  4. Nothing, Captain! It's the Faire! Come to think of it, what do a bunch of vaguely nautical people from the 1690s have to do with the Renaissance?
  5. I had to stop myself too, Cutthroat. Have a pint, baby!
  6. See, I missed the Klingons last year! I was too busy looking out for Reavers... :)
  7. Didn't you know? I get special dispensation! Well, I don't wear them to Pirate events, you see...
  8. Yeah, I always carry a couple in my bucket boots, just in case... Sounds like a party!
  9. No, Jessie. You're just not a sailor, that's all. Smarts doesn't have anything to do with it! I don't know what they are either. I just know they have something to do with securing ropes on a ship. And you can't wear 'em.
  10. Ack! Patience is NOT one of my virtues, you know!
  11. What's going on? What's Jim not doing? WhatdoIgottado?
  12. But darling, that's what I meant! I'm coming home early for your birthday! :) [sorry Foxe... ]
  13. Yeah, it's gonna be great, Blackjohn! I can't wait to plot and plan about November 4th. I'm coming home from England early because of it, you know! Who can't make it Saturday? Unfortunately that's the only day we Northerners can be there.
  14. Good girl, that Sarah! She's been learning well...
  15. Aw Johnny... We love you too, man! You're gonna make me tear up... Seriously, there's room at the party for everyone. Have a drink!
  16. Ahoy Rats, top of the morning to you as well... OT Pedant Alert! Who are you two? John Wayne sound-alikes? No one really says "Top of the morning to ye" you know... It's a Hollywood invention!
  17. Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been I've been to London, Now I'm Queen Sitting pretty, I don't wear suits And the Mice all call me -- Puss'N Boots
  18. <operator voice>Mr. Foxe is not at home at the moment. Would you care to leave a message?</operator voice> Yeah, Johnny. They really weren't worn in the Golden Age of Piracy -- not by seamen at least. Bucket boots are a horseman's thing, and you don't really see people walking about in them. Not in the Golden Age of Piracy in any case. 100 years earlier, yeah. But not in this period. They're sexy and cool. But they're Hollywood. 100% As Rue said, there's a whole 24 page thread on the topic. It's not a rant or a flame far. There's actually a lot of good information in it. So if you want to know the true and full answer to your question, go here.
  19. What?! For saying you're prettier than Oprah! Well! That's the last time I let you off your leash...
  20. Actually, Townsend tries to make clothing as cheaply as possible. Much of their clothing is poorly made and not historically accurate at all. Especially the women's clothing. I know nothing of this hat or its relevance to the GAoP. But I wouldn't use the fact that Townsend makes it a vote for it's historicity. Besides, Townsend doesn't do GAoP. Their period starts with F&I, a good forty years later.
  21. I can't speak for Rue, but I'm just going to make witty comments! [Just kidding, kids. Once the book discussion begins, as moderator, I will do my job and keep the witty banter to a minimum. I'm just going to make fun of Foxe now while I still can! ]
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