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Everything posted by kass

  1. Nah... Foxe is MUCH prettier!
  2. Pete, can you call your bank and ask them to look up the check by number (or amount)? Or can you do it on their website? I had to do this before and they looked the check up for me so I didn't have to look through all my records.
  3. Good Lord! You guys almost make me want to learn to read!
  4. We've been having a Pirate Feast every January/February for 23 years this year. It's in Maryland and it's gotten so you have to buy tickets in September because it sells out. We rent an historical mill and have a feast. The stated date is 1690 but you can come as a pirate from any era. One year a Klingon pirate came. Another year a Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder! And one year, this guy showed up in a suit with a briefcase. He presented us with his business card -- Corporate Pirate! The funny thing is that it all started off as a joke. You see, the reenactment season takes a break from November until March around here. By late January, we all start getting antsy, but there are no reenactment events to go to. So someone got the idea to have a pirate feast because pirates are fun and we could all dress up and be goofy. Little did we know that 20 years later, we'd all get really serious about the Golden Age of Piracy and have to have our kit just so and all that rot. But people who aren't serious are welcome too! It's a really fun time. Here's some pictures from previous years: Pyrate Feast 2004
  5. kass

    My word

    As long as we're all laughing now! Have a pint on me...
  6. kass

    My word

    Silly me, Ransom. I wasn't trying to be pedantic. I just am by nature...
  7. kass

    My word

    I was looking at those myself. Figured they were the caterers for the event! Cute... You see, it was rather typical in upper class houses not to do the cooking in the house but in a separate cookhouse. So servants would have to bring it in to the main house for dinner.
  8. kass

    My word

    A goodie... Looks like some snuff!!!
  9. kass

    My word

    Petee!!!! We miss you! [Okay, I miss you. But I tend to be annoying and talk in that "Royal We" mode... ] Okay, does it make me strange because I'm looking at the clothing on the servants taking food into their master's house on the left or that I'm interested in the two procuresses negotiating with the pretty girl up on the wall?
  10. Whoever would like to go first just title your post "Pyracy Pub Book Club" and I'll sticky it for you. Kass moderator
  11. Ha! Amateurs... 79% Not too bad for a stuffy, old authenticist who is against having fun, eh?
  12. Have one on me, Rats-baby. Your work really can be hell! My sympathies.
  13. Rest assured that your moderators are awfully liberal-minded... If it's in Captain Twill, it just has to be about the history of the bullwhip and how it pertains to the GAoP. That's all.
  14. Is that a fid in your pocket or...
  15. Oh Rats... I'll hold your hand anytime, darlin'... Seriously, thank you all for the lovefest! Pat, Greg, you guys really make me feel like I'm doing something for more than just beginners in the hobby. I'm one of those people who believes you never stop learning. And I've learned so much from you two since I've known you online that I feel like my patterns are returning the favour. Hector, Lilly, Rats, and the Crew of the Archangel, I may have made the patterns and gave you tips and pointers on your outfits, but YOU did the work! That's not my miles and miles of prick-stitching, kids. That's YOURS!!! You <sniff> sure know how <sniff> to make <sniff> this ol' pattern drafter proud! <mad sobbing ad nauseum> Seriously, guys, thank you! If it weren't for you people, I wouldn't have a company. You're just bloody brilliant! It's a pleasure to make patterns for you. I am at your eternal service... <curtseys low and exeunt>
  16. Great idea, Greg! (of course I would think it's a great idea... ) I will watch this thread and jump in and provide help and moral support whenever I can. And buy you all a drink when you're finished!
  17. How curious, Captain! I thought you'd be far more afraid of the gaolers...
  18. If we're not when it starts, Rats me boy, we may be by the time it ends!
  19. If I'm not mistaken, Greg, this was the crew of the Archangel's first event in their new togs.
  20. Red heels were a sign that you'd been presented in Court. I believe it was a French thing. But those who wanted to affect importance painted their heels red. It was certainly being done in the GAoP. I can think of a portrait of a young nobleman who has red heels painted about 1710. Here's a link to a picture of a red heel. This is a detail shot from Louis XIV's Coronation portrait circa 1701. I believe Charles II's Coronation portrait (dated 1660) also shows red heels. I can't tell you when red heels when out of fashion though. I've never heard of tongues being painted red.
  21. Drink a toast to me, Archangelians! My birthday is the 13th!
  22. Dearest Bo, I weep to bid farewell to you, but stand courageous in the fact that you will be pursuing such a noble cause. Best of luck with your scholarship. I am quite certain you will make us all proud. Kass
  23. Captain Bo! You're back! Welcome back!
  24. If you're referring to Kevin Garlick, Tora, I assure you that his website is online. I visited it this morning. I suggest you try the link again later.
  25. I haven't heard of Al Seguto, but I have heard excellent things about Kevin Garlick's work. Here's his website: http://www.kmgarlick-shoemaker.co.uk/ His work is not limited to the pictures on his website. I have heard friends say that his shoes are the most comfortable they have ever worn, bar none. Someone told me that Kevin started out as an apprentice of Sarah Juniper, but I don't know if this is true or not.
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