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Everything posted by kass

  1. So, my reputation preceeds me, does it? Aye, I am that same Kass, friend of Captain Foxe. He just told me of your lovely festival on Monday and I am thrilled that my ship will land in time for it. I look forward to making your acquaintance, McBarnacle, and yours, young Filch!
  2. I doubt they would resemble medieval braies. In later slop contracts, the length and width of the drawers are given and they are very similar to the length and width of the breeches. Extant drawers from later in the century are almost identical to breeches except have fewer or no buttons. So if you want to make drawers, Chole, just make breeches with ties instead of buttons. Have you seen Foxe's period pictures site, Chole? There are alot of pictures of striped garments on there and not all of them are blue. I think of the later stuff when I hear "ticken" too, but apparently it was not restricted in colour this early. Waistcoats are a funny thing. The later Slop Contracts specify enough fabric from them that they would have had to have sleeves to require that much. But we also see sleeveless waistcoats in the pictorial record. It's my opinion that both were common. You're probably not seeing sleeved waistcoats because what they would call a waistcoat, we might call a jacket. After all, what is the real difference? Chole, I don't think I will EVER get burned out on costume history speculation. So you just keep asking!
  3. Yeah. She has a pretty "voice" too.
  4. Whist, darling. But to be honest, I don't know if it dates as early as the GAoP. We played it in our 1753 house.
  5. That's my guess on the buttons too, Foxe. You can easily put 5 or 6 on each leg closure and then there are only 4-6 left for the fly. It's really not that many once you start dividing them up, Chole. Another difference between breeches and drawers is that drawers are specified in only blue checkered linen while breeches can be red kersey, striped shag or striped ticken. Also drawers do not have any specs for buttons while breeches always do. In later Slop Contracts, they are specified with ties at the waist and knees. This would preclude a need for buttons.
  6. I think Vera is a doglock blunderbuss.
  7. I was wondering the same thing, Chole. Oh Flag Boy! What's that blue and red and white and red and blue one?
  8. Lemme give this a go. I can see things fairly clearly on my monitor. I see a gold lozenge in the center of the white stripe, and a smaller lozenge or star to the left of that. One presumes another on the right balances it. Ringing any bells?
  9. Yeah, I'm not surprised, John. It had that "Dutch feel" to me... Thanks for letting me be lazy.
  10. Definitely petticote breeches on the guy in black. This would be the time period just before they went out of fashion. They're worn with a long coat like an early Justacorp instead of a doublet as they would have been worn a decade earlier. And yes, that is a shoulder knot on the guy to the right. And matching ribbon garters and a waist sash. He must be a military guy. I don't know if I'm seeing wide breeches gathered at the knee on the other guys or open knee breeches, but both were common this early. And the nursing woman is wearing an English Jacket. God, I love that garment! Is that the Dutch flag it's flying? Does anyone know? Greg! References please! Artist's name, title of picture, gallery, etc.
  11. Not accurate to land lubbers either for this period, Cpt. Alva. The fashion of wearing one's boots all the time went out after the English Civil War. In the GAoP, you really only see boots on men astride a horse. On the ground, it's shoes. Personally, I LOVE a man in boots. Loved 'em since I first saw Errol Flynn swing from mast to mast wearing a pair. Loved 'em even more when Adam Ant danced around in 'em. But they aren't appropriate for the period. Period. End of statement. But you don't have to justify your choices to anyone, Cpt. Wear what makes you happy!
  12. Yeah, what I'm shipping is fairly light. And you also have to know which shipper to go with. Alot of businesses use FedEx or UPS exclusively and won't use anything else. I use the good ol' post office when I have to and will ship via "the slow boat" if the customer is really concerned about cost.
  13. Fox tails are NOT optional at the November 4th event. I'll personally cut them off anyone who dares to show up with one!
  14. It's bad. But it's been bad for a couple of years now. It's not likely to change any time soon. Of course it's bloody brilliant for business! Our stuff is really inexpensive for them right now. I get about half as many UK as US orders.
  15. Check out xe.com, Rats. It's got current exchange rates for all kinds of currency. The dollar currently SUCKS against the pound. It's nearly 2 to 1, the worst in a very long time. L110 is about $210 right now.
  16. Funny. In Pennsylvania, we say "Red skies..." too. Of course, we have our own Devon. And people who still say "thy". Perhaps that has something to do with it!
  17. Oh! Um... Let's just say that the Pirate Brethren have strange tastes and leave it at that, shall we?
  18. The colour specifications in the Slop Contracts don't change for different ranks. There's just one or two colours specified and nothing to differentiate between them. The Gunner from Foxe's site does not appear to be wearing clothing made according to the Slop Contracts. So I'd go with any period appropriate colour if I were you.
  19. What? The pewter tankard? Oh no, my dear...
  20. Well, that's what this thread is here for, Chole. If you get lost at any point, no matter how many times we've gone over it, post here and I will help you!
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