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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. Finally nodded off bit past 0200 woke up at 0545. Maybe three and a half last night (this morning).
  2. 1) Yup rarely in the hammock before 2 2)USed to eat all kinds of stuff o'ern ight but the gut don't appreciate it anymore 3) I haven't slept more than a few hours a night for more than 15 years why would I start a new way of life tomorrow? 4) Gave up on the math once I realized it didn't matter when I went to bed. 5) Do ratty sweats and a t-shirt count? 6) All the time, "what do you mean you only sleep 3 hours a night?" 7) Especially after the noise abatement rules shut down the airport next door. 8) Not really. 9) Especially not wanting to stir the hounds up. 10) Oh yeah all kinds of that stuff 11) Don't watch alot of TV, don't have many visitors.
  3. **Rummages through his sea chest* I think I've got an old jersey in here someplace
  4. You have far more faith in my stamina than I dear. I'm always a "Great" Pyrate, jest look at the size of me coat; took near a whole bolt of cloth....
  5. Me Lyin? Never... I'm a good Pyrate....
  6. But I run out of fingers and toes at 20. 21 if I'm lucky....
  7. Also intriguing....
  8. Ye mean that isn't romantical enough? No wonder I end up takin matters into me own hands...
  9. I was thinkin restraints fer me dammit.... red satin sheets.... intriguing...
  10. What a delicious mental image. Now, I'm gonna need yet another moment.....
  11. Bess, that is gorgeous. A design of your own? FWIW I vote for the teddy and thigh highs.
  12. Ye know what is said about small packages..... hell, me Ex is a shade under 5' even.
  13. Scars are tattoos with better stories....
  14. The beatin only lasts for a little while and the scars just get added to the collection.
  15. I hope so.... four point restraints.... I think I need a moment
  16. Just gotta remember not to let you know when I'm gonna be in yer neck of the woods. Wouldn't want to get a beatin... On the other hand....
  17. hey Patrick.. you did that to me!! You made the model of me and even put clothes on my model.. I'm not sure if I still have the pic... and Doc.. you are a rogue. and thank you for it! Wait,... Patrick made a model of Merry and then went and put clothes on it????? Now why go and do somethin like that?
  18. Any time darlin, always ready to help a lady in distress
  19. *shivers* MMMMM.... new mattress, toys, leather.... If yer in need of a qualified mattress tester/inspector.....
  20. Well, there is something I could use a "hand" with in the shower.... *stands ready for the slap*
  21. Went to the Springfield (MA) custom Motorcycle show today and ran across these fuel tanks, nice airbrush work.
  22. Here, I'll make it stop.. "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. It started from a tropic port aboard this tiny ship......" Now you'll have that little ditty rolling about yer brainpan for a few days...
  23. unless, of course, they point to yer armpits...
  24. None of me previous postings are carved in stone mind ye....
  25. I could think of a few of the She Pyrates/Plunder Bunnies that I wouldn't mind gracing me cabin..... that wasn't the question?
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