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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. I live on the Hudson and we get huge tidal swings from time to time. I used to crew a local dinner cruiser and it wasn't uncommon to depart on the outgoing tide with the gangway on a 30 degree up slope and return 3 hours later with the gangway at a 30 degree down slope. I used to joke to the passengers "You'll notice somebody let some water out of the river while we were out". The village of Kaaterskill isn't too far North of me. On the River it's about 60 miles by land about 70. This whole area was explored and settled by the Dutch. Lots of places with -kill in the name. I recall my Grandfather saying kill is the Dutch word for creek or stream. Doc
  2. I'd suggest gloves and eye protection. Deglazer is a acetone/ketone based chemical which isn't too good fer yer skin. And not good at all in yer eyes.
  3. Now Lasses, ye know ye ne'er need to be wantin a drink wi me in the premesis. Merry knows all too well where I keeps me gold (or is it her gold?)
  4. Not sure all of the parts are working, some are cheap after market bits that prolly came from some third world sweat shop....
  5. Are ye tryin to kill me????? Made me poor old heart skip a beat or three....
  6. Like a nice breezy day when donning the kilt. Keeps the "boys" from stickin together
  7. New Puppy is killin me. We hit the Hammock around midnight, he's usually up before 4 AM wailin to get out of the crate. Finally settles down sometime after 5 AM, the alarm clock screams at 5:30. Hopin he grows out of this soon.....
  8. Well then, I'll jest have to get me Kilt out of moth balls and don it fer ye. I'll tell ye a secret about what we wear under them.... Shoes.... Meeting of the clans eh? Sounds interesting...
  9. Your love of men in kilts is legendary... I can't imagine what you'd do to a lad in a kilt who's been partially incapacitated by drink...
  10. Why the Lasses of course... The Lads really know the way to a Lasses heart. Or at least through their clothing....
  11. Heeyyyy is that a "fat joke"??
  12. Welcome Lad, I'll be takin a Guinness If'n ye please. Merry, haven't ye heard everything goes well wi a Guinness.
  13. Yes the Band.... they usually play the Celtic Fest north of here and we make a weekend of it. Good music, good food and loverly Irish Lasses. Always the high point of the fall. Til the last round of bodily damage I was drumming with the County FD Pipe Band.
  14. Not Scorpio (Geminuts). 1 Grandparent on each side is Irish. My best Mate Mike and I have a sayin "We're Irish, don't give us a reason to organize". We drive our other Mate nuts with Pipe music (what he calls "Cat crushin noise"). On our travels Mike and I blast Floggin Molly, Clan Na Gael, Enter the Haggis, The Wolf Tones, and Dropkick Murphys just to see how much we can irritate Tom.
  15. Actually if I were to get some ink "Living on Borrowed Time" sounds like a good one. Right after "Semper Fidelis" Being generous with the space needed for the "girls dig tats forever" remember.... "Irish"
  16. Where would ye like to start? Make sure it's a thorough search now...
  17. Ne'er saw the film in question. Shower scene? yikes... Ye can hunt all the tats ye want.
  18. I just luv a "Tat Hunt". Find 'em in all kinds of interesting places.
  19. Would the shower be before or after the slick bodies and warm sheets? And would you be needin somebody to wash yer back?
  20. All my sweat is honest sweat. no horndog here...much...often...at once...
  21. Delightful indeed....
  22. I would have no Compunction to displace ye or share said hammock Syren....
  23. Ye are too kind M'Lady.
  24. MMMMMM Steak... *drool* A spot of Rum to wash it down and a little snooze on the beach. A perect evening.
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