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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. Awww..... don't she say the sweetest things?
  2. Lookin fer volunteers?
  3. Only way yer gonna git to know us is to jump right in. Speak what's on yer mind darlin we don't bite, much,....hard,.... often
  4. That was the plan darlin. Keeping you UP is my life's ambition..... Protect and Serve that's our motto (heavy on the Serve part) As fer a list, I strongly doubt one will be necessary once ye all get a good look at me anyway.....
  5. How's about a nice double wide hammock that rocks gently to and fro fer yer cabin? One and a half warm, strong, slightly abused hands with a few callouses. I'll leave the use of my belaying pin up to your skilled hands... Oh yeah; I ALWAYS make sure she falls asleep first.
  6. Our Honor Guard is heading down for the Services and a bunch of our off duty guys as well. Looks like two busses worth. Hate getting out the Dress Blues for this kind of event.
  7. ye aint old either darlin. Finely Ripened says I. Pyrates and Wenches ARE more fun.
  8. I git enou' rum in me and I sound like I lernt to whisper in a saw mill. Not good fer whisperin sweet nuthins inta a young ladies ear.
  9. Yes, err No?, Maybe?.....
  10. Want a nose mitten? Or something else to warm ye up? Cold doesn't bother me unless it's ridiculously cold (<10'F). In fact, the air conditioner in my house is set on "hang meat". Me and temps above 60 are not friends.
  11. It's 80 bloody degrees out with humidity hovering aqround 100% here bouts. Why the chilly kitty?
  12. No, but I've got legs. Thighs like tree trunks, well defined calf muscles and most of the scars around my knees (or what was my knees) are fading. Just in time for Kilt season. As fer a stern, I look like a frog on it's hind legs in a pair of trousers.
  13. get to your cream or get you to cream? Sorry couldn't resist. Keeping a good thought for you. too obvious.. but interesting to think about. :) Yeah I know, a ground ball to be sure. I'm way off my game here of late. Too many paint fumes maybe....
  14. get to your cream or get you to cream? Sorry couldn't resist. Keeping a good thought for you.
  15. *jumps up and down hand raised* OOH, OOH,... Pick me, Pick me
  16. And I was so hopin to win Miss Congeniality Those long drives to and from our "hobbies" often gives people pause.
  17. Drove 3 hours home from Maryland. Traffic wasn't too bad on the Tpke, so I made good time. After unloadin all the goodies from the jeep and catching up on some emails, I finally hit the hammock around 2:30 up at 5:30.
  18. Yer talkin to a guy who runs into burning buildings about danger? Yer fergettin darlin, I'm allergic to chocolate. Whipped cream however.....
  19. Well darlin with me it's ne'er a question of IF but WHEN. Sooner or later I irritate everybody. Even Nuns..... (long story). I am however, quite aware of how dangerous all the She Pyrates are here 'bouts.
  20. Went to push some lead soldiers around a table today. Turned into a 12 hour marathon game. My Rangers walked into a meat grinder.We took 60% casualties. Lost in a big way. Now my brain hurts... in addition to the rest of me.
  21. Still trying to get past the image of the leather boots.....mmmmmm.... Glad I aint the offending male (I aint right?).....
  22. Doc, it is tomorrow. Please don't confuse me.... Well this tour weren't as bad as the last. We managed a bit of a nap over night. Still ran 11 calls in 24 hours. Got home this morning and had to put new front brakes on my Jeep. Satellite TV guy showed up to replace my dish after the roofers finished repalring where it collapsed. Tried to get a nap in this afternoon but the phone wouldn't let up. So once again i'm up almost 40 hours straight. I feel like I've been beaten and not in a "good way". Time to head for the hammock... Cheers.
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