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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. As I've said previously a pulse is key. That said, I truly prefer ladies of substance, intelligent, playful, and just a bit crazy. She'd have to be to put up wi' the likes of me. I too prefer a lass wi red hair and blue or green eyes.
  2. As always darlin, I stand ready to lend a hand where needed. Of course right now all I have is one that works, so it'll have to be quite busy.
  3. Now I've found there are very few places it's widly inappropriate to laugh. Maybe a funeral but not too many other situations.
  4. Threw a steak on the grill wi' some mushrooms and onions, a baked tater and some salad. Topped it off wi' a couple cold beers.
  5. That sounds like the voice of experience.... care to elaborate?
  6. Tonight is meatloaf, scalloped potatos, and peas & carrots. Might whip up something for dessert too.
  7. In some rather sensitive places too...
  8. Who's an old Pyrate? Certainly not you, Luv. As evidenced by the aforementioned lad wishing to autograph the girls.
  9. *Heats up a bit o Tea w' Honey and lemon and just a shot of rum* Doctors orders, dear drink up.
  10. I could be "Mr September, October and part of November".
  11. Here's my shop in the basement Painting bench Building bench The "Great Wall of Kits"
  12. Home Brewing and Distilling are legal, for the most part, for personal consumption only. Some states and/or local governments have statutory prohibition best. Rule of thumb, keep it small and keep it quiet and nobody bothers. Rum is/was distilled from sugar cane and molasses after fermentation.
  13. Merry in tights and I missed it? Damn the luck gotta pay closer attention...
  14. Laughed at again...
  15. Wishin this damn shoulder would finally heal up...
  16. Especially the bad ones... We here are all in some way or form students of history both literally and figuratively. Yet history has a bad habit of distorting itself. The fog of time has the effect of covering up the bad times and leaving only the good ones. It is the wise among us who remember the lessons taught us by the "mistakes" without the effects fo time clouding them. For those among us who fail to learn from history are indeed doomed to repeat it. As for the original question, you can only truly "give" your heart once, in exchange you will receive the other's heart. Anything that happens before this exchange is a learning exercise. Each of those exercises strengthens the heart. For each of us there is only one great love. Most of us don't find it the first time out. Those who do and manage to keep it are well and truly blessed. Those who find it and lose it are cursed to carry those scars because the "return" policy sucks.
  17. I'll see yer flamin tequilla shots and bump ye icy cold jello shots, frosty Guiness on tap and hot n cold runnin natives.
  18. Plunderin, Wenchin, Pub Inspectin, Plunderin some more, with occasional "swordplay".
  19. Looks like I'm far enough inland to miss the bulk of this'n. We'll get our fair share afore ole man winter is through wi' us.
  20. *imaginin Merry's steamy shower* *Shivers* I need a moment...
  21. AHHH that part O NY. Been fishin on both the sound and ocean side this time o year afore and it is indeed rather cold. Kind of cold that makes a fisherman long for a hot shower, a warm beverage, a fire in the fireplace, and a warm curvy lass to warm up the frozen bits. I'll see yer sand, waves, and sunblock and raise ye palm trees, umbrella drinks and dirty nekkid freaks.
  22. *offers Red Cat a sweatshirt* Now, it ain't been that cold yet... unless yer way upstate from me. Hell it was 70 degrees here Thursday.
  23. The "Shellback" Ceremony for crossing the Equator is probably the most famous of the US Navy rites. It is a daylong ritual wherein the "Wogs" (pollywogs) are ritually cleansed of their "slime" and, upon paying appropriate homage to King Neptune, are issued their "Shells". Basically the ship all but shuts down for the day and all manner of "degredation and torture" are layed upon the Wogs. I hear it's been toned down considerably since my ceremony and mine was apparently way easier than me Dad's . Each Ship has it's own traditions as does each Rating. It ranges from crawling through the garbage chutes to eating various nasty foods (limberger cheese still makes me vomit), to having to stand a "watch" in some ridiculous manner. Dad tells me he had to stand for an hour holding a bed spring over his head while swinging back and forth saying "beep, beep, I am a radar". (He was a Radarman.) For Corpsmen like me, we had bed pan races and the like. After the rite is done you can proudly call yourself a Shellback and display the certificate. Some commands have special patches made for non duty wear.
  24. Welcome Lass, Since yer here, break out yer gold and start buyin
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