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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. ... Paid my dues ( and a few others' I expect) Ain't complainin' wouldn't change a thing 'cept maybe I'd skip moving away from San Diego and my beloved Pacific
  2. If twer last December, I was likely in some burning building or another. Spent most of the month covering vacation spots at work. 19 Fires in 31 days must be some sort of a record even for my little metropolis.
  3. I'm not really a doctor but I play doctor all the time. The acupuncture/pressure point is probably the best route other than medications. The point works on the nerve pathways from the inner ear which acts as your body's internal gyroscope. The wrist tendon pressure point works on the queasy gut in much the same way. Many of the marine supply catalouges sell a wrist band made of elastic with a hard plastic knob on it. Just place the knob between the tendons of the wrist and the elastic band exerts just the right amount of pressure. I worked on a Dinner Cruise vessel for a number of years and we always had problems with passengers getting sea sick ( on a River mind you). Depending upon the size of the vessel you can take steps to cut down on the motion which causes the inner ear to go nuts. Stay near the center line, avoid the bow or stern and pick a point on the horizon and watch it to prevent seeing too much movement.
  4. I grew up on a Dairy Farm so hard work isn't a problem. I get paid to run into burning buildings now, so fear is not an opotion. I spent most of my Young Adult life in some of the nastiest places on Earth. I even spent some time on a two way firing range. (hazards of my chosen profession). Got used to sleeping wherever I could. I ate bugs, snakes, lizards and the like with no ill effects. Spent a bunch of time on the briny without issue. That said , I have aged seriously in the past few years and my earlier occupations and lifestyle have taken their toll. I like my A/C, my Satellite navigation system, Digital TV and Computer. Today, I'd rather read a book or chat online with like minded folks than cruise the deep.
  5. Methinks I'm in accord with Tiny, taint too many sitations that caint be solved with a cannon at any range.
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