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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. I'll drink to that Tito. As for fine lookin gents; where? I'm so pretty my Mom used to tie a pork chop 'round me neck just to get the dog to play with me. I'm so pretty that Mom used to feed me by sling shot.
  2. I, for one, get paid to play in fires. And I like my women like my coffee..... Cold and Bitter....
  3. Wait, wait, wait; Christine in a Towel? Damn these old eyes. Where the hell are my spectacles?
  4. Gaelic Storm- Special Reserve
  5. Like the men's room floor at a chili cook-off....
  6. Once again Mary has succeeded in making my brain hurt. Where's me rum?
  7. **espies Christine in her finery** Ahoy oh lovely one, care to share a bit o sand wi me? I made some delightful crab stuffed mushrooms and a nice rice pilaf. Add in a bit of rum and a fine meal to be sure.
  8. "Back to the Future". Here's another easy one "That's no moon, it's a space station"
  9. Caddyshack... Yet another geek line for ya "No, I'm from Iowa; I only work in space."
  10. The Holy Grail!!! Here's mine "Gotta Driver's License?", "No, but I gotta Library Card" "Close Enough"
  11. The Essential Billy Joel
  12. Well, mine is pretty straight forward. My Parents named me William (After me father and grandfather) but my Marines named me "Doc". I was a Corpsman in the US Marine Corps for 13 years. My last command and the one I enjoyed the most was Foxtrot Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment. Hence F/2/25. Since computers get squirrely with slashes I dropped them.
  13. Tomoyasu Hotei- The Electric Samurai
  14. Well some oil, a bit of garlic maybe some onions and a large skillet...no? Me thinks this is beyond Science; is there a Cleric in the House? Priest, Rabbi, Imam, Druid...anybody? We need to make a weapon, quick; look around, can we find anything to fashion a rudementary lathe? (sorry, wrong movie)
  15. **Walks onto the beach from the wilds** That'll learn me to go to work.. over run by zombies, Rogue and Mary in a brawl, Tito bleeding and Diego with a pretty serious whack on the skull. **Prolly should wade into this one and break it up. Now where is that elixir for turning zombies?**
  16. Yep pink, actually more red than pink and only in certain rather uncomfortable places. Basically First degree burns. Which means a burn report form and another trip to the Occ med idiots for clearance. Oh joy, half my day shot in the tail.
  17. Sweet? Never! I used to be a hard chargin maniac but experience and way too many injuries have made me use me head more now. Don't rush headlong into the devils dancehall anymore and never alone. Did get a bit "poached" at the last one though. The heat from the fire started to steam me inside my gear. Got back to the station and was a luvly shade of pink. Cranberry juice, my favorite.
  18. Been outside workin in the infernal sleet/rain/ice, Soaked through both sets of gear, had to work the third fire in a wet set. Had icesicles hanging from my helmet. Where's the heat?
  19. Always standing ready to provide medical assistance my dear....
  20. Diego ... I believe we're talking about ..Dazed & Confused....off the first album. Tito, only 200#? We need more. Let me check me stash and see what I kin find. Maybe I'll strap my latest case file to one and let it explode, it's already heading for a meltdown.
  21. Arrrrrrrrgh... Diego now that little ditty 'll be rattlin about me head for days.
  22. In a word WOW. Any of ye know of the where 'bouts o those fine garments fess up presently. In addition to easing sufferin I know a thing or three bout inflictin it as well.
  23. I haven't seen those chaps (or their purchaser) since they left the shop. Not allowed to frequent the establishment where they are worn. Black and teal would be a nice combo but the more vivid dyes some times don't "take" very well.
  24. What if'n I make some out of some real fine Elk hide I happen to have. There also might prolly be enough doe skin left from last year. The left over Kid skin might be enough make an eye patch or two or a real skimpy top.
  25. ** Walks over to Christine, sits down beside her and hands her a tankard full of rum.** Here Luv, a bit of the Doctors Perscription. Won't make work any better but will make ye care less about it. Best way to combat work stress is to know that you are one person and can only do the work of one person. Do the best you can and realize that decisions are being made above your place in the "chain of command" that you have little or no control over.
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