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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. You taking applications for Cabin Boy??? I'm all outta Vera Wang china... more of a paper plate and dixie cup kinda pyrate.
  2. Yeah we're all cute when we sleep... sorta like puppies that way. Only 5 or 6?? Several dozen work better. Long, slow warm ones that last three days.... the kind that curl your toes....
  3. Hey Lad, On yer recommendation I picked up a copy of "Republic" myself, haven't started it yet still working on "Wolf of the Deep".
  4. Let me see, aside from the aforementioned boots.... still drooling a bit sorry. Business attire can be very sexy especially with a little hint of what might be under the wrapping. A peek of lace fer instance..... (Damn Librarian fantasy again)... I've found that a pair of worn jeans - a bit snug -showing off the curves so to speak, a tee shirt and a pair of cowboy boots works quite nicely. Works even better in a pile on the floor In cold weather a flannel shirt or sweatshirt would be fine. Period correct wear -over filled bodices, ...bodicae what ever the plural is, an uncomplicated skirt and easy to remove armaments.... nothin worse than cold steel in a sensitive place... My favorite though is just a choker and a smile...
  5. Humina Humina Humina ..... wait a minute while I wipe that up.
  6. "tween the pain and the late night call backs this week I think I've averaged less than 3 hours a night. Thank the heavens I'm on Vacation next week. Turnin off the phone and pager too dammit.
  7. I'm building her in 1/96 to match the rest of the "fleet". Constitution, Kearsarge, Victory, United States, Sea Witch, and Cutty Sark
  8. Just back in from plowing the driveway so I can get out in the morning. Looks to be 8 or so inches of serious white. Before that I was sucking sawdust working on the scroll saw .
  9. Just finished "Sea of Gray" on the CSS Shenandoah and Started on "Wolf of the Deep" on the CSS Alabama. Building a model of the 'Bama next year... just getting in some research.
  10. 4 bloody hours last night. Hit the hammock at midnite, finally nodded off around 2, alarm knocked me out of the rack just before 6. Not good. I've gotta be on my game. It's Fire Prevention Week; can't disappoint the kiddies. I need to be cheerful ,friendly "Fireman Doc" not my usual surly, grumpy self.
  11. *Pulls off helmet & hood after rootin around in a fire scene all day in the 85 degree heat* *Covered in a fresh layer of soot and grime* Will this do?
  12. Speakin of drooool..... I'm still working on Victoria's Secret and Ice Cream.....
  13. I've done some "stick" pens using bic disposible refills in wooden bodies. I could make small belaying pins without too much fuss. I have a Mermaid Puzzle done.
  14. Yup I periodically have to go into the shop and make sawdust out of big expensive pieces of exotic hardwoods. I have a lathe, a scroll saw and a power wood carving set up. I turn pens out of wood and I turn other small items, I recently started carving birds and fish and I make wooden puzzles. I also use wooden "plugs" to vacuum form plastic model parts.
  15. Sauteed with mushrooms and onions maybe a little rice on the side and a large tankard of rum.
  16. Let's see this list could be long and distinguished like a certain anatomical attrbute... Coffee Pizza Junk food The Pub o course Racing Fuel Books Sawdust Football (Soccer not the American version) Salt water Tropical breezes History Wargaming Butchering plastic and O' Course flirtin wi Merrydeath
  17. Glad to be of service Luv... and of course...I am all about liftin yer skirt dearie... * awaits the tankard being hurled at his head*
  18. Hmmmmm, *Counts "1,2,3,4,5 yup that's one hand" - "6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ok both hands", checks a mirror, "yep lips still in place and operational"* Now, anyplace in particular ye'd like me to use these? A desire to play wi Merry? Wot, ar ye kidding? If'n a man don't ha that desire, somebody call the surgeon to check his pulse. And she's off again....
  19. Dammit-all, I missed the chance to spread aloe on Merry... Ok....Poor Kitty...ouch.....
  20. Lucky Kitty.... Here's yer drink m'lady.
  21. Huh? What? Were you sayin something? Sorry, the TV was on......
  22. I spent the day in my dress uniform (medals and all)... had a few of the ladies who work around the courthouse look twice. The ADA on this case made a couple of "nice pants" kind of comments as well. Did my old heart good, took my mind of my achin butt.
  23. Having been submerged in water slightly warmer than freezing more than once, I have to say that cold in me nether parts is not, I say again Not, pleasurable. As for the creme de menthe or peppermint oil, I would assume it is similar in sensation to a certain "medicated" body powder that I also find uncomfortable. Sorry ladies, I like my pain the old fashioned way, whips and chains
  24. It would depend upon where yer puttin them cubes dearie.... Cold can cause "shrinkage".
  25. Sweat and curled toes? Angel food lotion? Intriguing..... Where exactly would one sign up for this particular treatment?
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