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Everything posted by Charity

  1. YAY, thanks so much ! I'm in the Netherlands and the closest for me on big nautical events in Brittain, but i searched and didn't find none. Thanks, i bookmarked them all.
  2. I'll keep it in mind
  3. WOW Captain Enigma's flag is great too I love those flags, maybe i should make one sometimes for the trip i hope to take in 2007 to the USA, i'll somehow have to tie it to the plane i'm coming in so you all know which it is i'm on
  4. Well, ofcourse i couldn't come over this year if i wanted to, but..i was calling all around about coming to the USA for the premiere of POTC3 in 2007, i will save all i can..and then someone (anonymous so who?) replied on Live Journal don't be silly and to come over to a faire instead! I have to admit...i'm beginning to think seriously about doing that as inland it's undoubtedly much cheaper to come and LA is expensive No, i think i may just come over in the summer of 2007 (If i can) and see that i visit one or more faire's. That depends on if i had a guest spot, hotels or even motels obviously make it much more expensive.. See i can be wise..
  5. Yeah..i really feel..like crap but i'll just come over here, that seems to help :)
  6. Dang..'gotta go rob a bank to come over too
  7. totally depressed
  8. Ohh "undead" or immortal?
  9. Congratulations on your new title:) Cheers mate
  10. Hans Christian Andersen Year
  11. To be called a lass, on my age.. I'm flattered Thanks for your kindness
  12. By the way Lorien, who's the handsome gent? Nice looking pirate ye have there
  13. Playgirl 2005 calendar..
  14. the girl next door
  15. You have to sign papers and prick yourself in the fingers with the tip of a cutlass and sign the papers with blood.
  16. Hey, i'm listening to Dirty Old Town
  17. Donkey milk...for the eternal youth.. I know..it's the same..
  18. Can't afford it, i have pre paid and never take more then one card a month..i've the phone more for when i need to reach someone then for fun, as calling is conceirned, i send many sms as i have this great sms contract. You could choose which you wanted and this one rocks!
  19. WOW..... William, that's positively THE grandest and coolest flag i have ever seen!!!! The top one that is..wow man..really awesome..
  20. *silently leaving*
  21. pirates popping up all around me (heaven... )
  22. Good luck! So you're European too, HUZZAH, I'm not the only one anymore I just saw you're British, cool . You know you guys got lucky already, NO EURO...man i wish we'd been listened to, no one wanted the bloody Euro and all's too expensive now ..
  23. ROTFLMAO..oh god...a baldy..it's so weird...
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