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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Were there any pics taken? This lady needs to live it through experiences of others, any pics would be great :)
  2. Do keep an eye on that..in case it's not gone in three days..call a doctor :) Get well soon! I forgt to congratulate you! Have fun being a legend! As to how i feel now...lonely..nothing new in that..
  3. Ohh no, never meant to do that It was on a flee market on the town's square on Queens day, which is mostly children who sell things there,and some adults, that's why i wondered but i know people often offer boxes of things for the kids to sell on those flee markets so you may very well be right :)
  4. Oh that sounds awsome... Would be great to be there some times too..wish me luck for 2007 ROTFLMAO..Phil..nice touch Which two where those? Never mind..i know..
  5. Lady and the tramp
  6. I took the highest amount of imbuprofen ánd paracetamol when i had a back tooth drawn and the bone infected..sometimes they just don't work. I'll cross my fingers for you that the pain will get less soon, good luck tomorrow!
  7. All the luck in the world! I hope it won't be half as bad as you fear :)
  8. Congrats to you too :) From all i've seen you've a heck of a bargain too I was talking over the posibilities of how it ended up on a flea market on our national holiday. Either the person who put it up for this little didn't know what he/she was dealing with..OR..one of the children (or spouse) took if without knowledge of the person who owned it In that last case..someone may have gotten in BIG trouble, but for me it was lucky LOL..
  9. Thanks :) And the same to you kind sir
  10. CG, if you take a free account with Photo bucket, you load the pics into your PB album and then it always says img... and url.. you need to copy the url one, and do the But that's it, nothing more, you load pics up there, copy and paste the url here between ' alt='>But that's it, nothing more, you load pics up there, copy and paste the url here between '> and it's here :)
  11. In the extra's on the dvd they show (in pirate diary) all the swords, and none of the cutlasses was of this type. I cannot imagine there just "happened' to be one like that somewhere.. They seemed to have mostly the same style which was nothing like this. It's sure looking like the other stuff is the same guy..
  12. WOW..you really do have an arsenal Awsome though! I'd love to have an old flint lock pistol, but when i do see them here they're waayyyyy above my butget, then again most would be.. Problem is, you are not allowed to have them unless made unusable (something removed on the inside) and it's impossible to import one. I was told by re-enacters at the event i recently visited, and people selling weapons they tried to do so but it's just not possible to get them into the land from anywhere else. I agree on safity but stopping people from collecting classical weapons is highly irritating me!
  13. How weird they only now make it sound like it's all new. About a year ago or more already there were little film clips of them diving to it, i've a video clip, small but showing very obvious canons etc laying on the ocean bottom. I even shared that video clip with some people. Very cool :)
  14. WOW..that's great :) Well done!
  15. WOW Impressive :) I love the second from the bottom cutlass, and the dagger below the lowest pistol! Great pistol too :)
  16. bad luck with the guys
  17. Some years back i bought a equinoctial ring dial on the flee market for the price of a little over $1! (I said $3.14 first but i forgot i didn't buy it for 2.50 euro but guilders! I've had it for more time then we have the euro..) I have seen them several times on the web in nautical stores, and mostly old ones and they'd be over $200 but now i've found a new one and it says it's ="made based on the 16th - 17th century designs found in European museums." ROTFL...$110!!!! I am loving this..ya know those programs where people bring stuff they bought for a few dimes and get it taxated and it turns out so valuable..i always say i wish that would happen to me but it has! This one's mine: And this is the store i just saw it: nautical gift shop Needless to say i am VERY happy with it
  18. Well..i agree but i'm sure one can be veeeeeryyy respectible in one's own right while being a wench or a harlot
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