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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Now thát sounds like fun :) I've not danced for ages..i've got to find me some single friends, they always seem to stop going out when getting married.. Oh well, good that you had a great time, and thank you
  2. Oops, sorry
  3. Thank you, and ( And this goes for everyone :) ) i'm a good listener too.
  4. No thanks needed, that's what mates are for to help each other :) Atleast i consider everyone here a mate
  5. Congratulations! That's great, but..do explain what's the pleasure of getting a permission to make the queen's treasure chest be filled? I think i'd rather do pirating without permission and keep it all for me and my crew.. but that's just me
  6. Aww, let's call out for her then .. *Bellows* FANCY! Come over girl, your man is lonesome
  7. Hmm, guess everyone's different :) I love having some but i think having too much is..just not pretty. From a man's point of view it's ofcourse different But you know, i'd rather feel comfortable then get compliments all the time i guess :) (But if one feels really comfortable with lots of it, then ok )
  8. Oh i can imagine, both sun set and sun rise, and even normal daylight..there's nothing so beautiful to me as light reflected on the sea/ocean :)
  9. Thank you :) I hope it won't be bad, but we already know the heart is enlarged and even though the doctor says it's also "old age" He's not that old!), all the talk of pressure on the chest..and having had a mild heart attack once..
  10. Thank you, that's very kind :) The leather story about fitting to your body makes sense, but i once (a looooong time ago) had leather skirt and i felt when going to a hot place (rock gigs or whatever) it wasn't comfortable at all. I guess quality of leather counts too? Are those bodices of leather with lining? The most uncomfortable for me was the rough inside of the leather skirt.
  11. better then slow and painful
  12. That's a great thing to do on the beach..esp in the setting sun. I guess even more so when one's in love or with a loved one
  13. Oh great, another European pirate? That's great!
  14. OH wow..thanks, that's so sweet Thank you, always means a lot to me I feel a little better then this morning by the way, but i'm still worried..dad's health is very important to me, obviously :)
  15. Flying on the wings of an eagle
  16. That celtic carving is awesome! Stunning and very impressive :) I'm afraid I've only one blade and its not very impressive. I bought it at a Chinese store because of the horse decorations. I had to really choose between horse, tiger and wolf but this one was best, esp. as the front looks so much like a ship's figure head. The knife is a decent size though.
  17. WOW .. that is early. Means your a great dad though taking over, i know there's plenty of women who do it all alone :)
  18. Worried..my dad's been having more "heart problems" again. He has had a silent heart attack once and his blood pressure was too high. He was taking beta blockers, but now his heart rate was too low and he has to lower the dosage but the very first night after doing so he had problems sleeping from pressure on the chest and more. He already had that, and his heart is enlarged so he needs to go see a heart specialist.. It's worrying me to no end, esp. so soon after my mum. I wish life could be entirely without worries, just once but life doesn't work that way.. It's finally getting summer here and that is great :) How wonderful to see/feel sun again
  19. I agree. The Barbossa doll i hadn't even seen yet, it's brilliant.
  20. That is very pleasant to read. I'm new in the costume thing and i do want my bodice to give me some cleavage, but i have to admit, i'd not want to look like (forgive me nothing personal and i'm talking the overly..ahum..round looks now) what i sometimes think looks indeed like some beach balls lay above the bodice. It's cool to feel sexy and feminine and i enjoyed having a nice "decollete"and i want to make sure the next bodice has it too, but not too much..upto some level it's sexy above that i think it's kinda cheap. But, not all women with bodices look like that I must say..i'd always prefer a good fitting one and over breast not under.
  21. Jack Dolls Jack Dolls 2
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