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Everything posted by Charity

  1. OK, this'll be a long one... If instead of voting in the referendum about a European groundlaw you go to the head office of the European Union and stand outside their building yelling AVAST! Belay forcing yer European Rules upon our country!
  2. I hope to get a more modern version sometimes but i doubt it will be before 2007 as i still intend to try and come to the 2007 POTC3 premiere.
  3. making overly protective elders get grey hair
  4. Always good to share experiences :) Good luck with it anyhow
  5. Oh...well they can be good i guess
  6. Uhm..red bums..red ...ok i'll shut up
  7. Nederwiet (Weed cultivated in the Netherlands)
  8. noop, grass is though..
  9. And anyone who thinks i am a prude please go to fanfiction.net and read fanfics of Barbossaspearl I do believe it gave Phil a fit (You ok mate? )
  10. Never been to London? I am not disco fan, i love rock and there, in London there's places like the Electric Ball room and the Slime Light where they play only rock
  11. and repeatedly felt the thing go prick prick prick..
  12. You naughty boy! Well..boy..
  13. ...... It was about 4 am LOLOL...i was sleepy!
  14. I've got a 6410 No polyphonic sounds or anything just simple phone...rats..i won't be able to do that on my phone i think.
  15. Chicken Tonight/hawaii
  16. Another piece of advice...don't make a satin blouse! I tried my bodice on last night and the desired effect was back but then i reaLized..on the event while wearing it, the bodice slipped upwards and was too high The satin blouse is soooo smooth and slippery it made the bodice slide upwards..so i'll have to find a way to prevend that.. Still leaves me to take the ~~ bend bonings out and replace them with something slightly firmer..
  17. Well it's that lousy weather we've got rain rain rain..but today it's sunny I'm feeling pretty up today.the sun makes ye feel so good
  18. You can download the full mp3 here MP3 download It's called The Curse of Monkey Island - Pirate Ship Song.mp3
  19. Great looking ship I love it..ohh must be wonderful to sail on it! I can't wait for sail Amsterdam. i won't be sailing them but i'll definitely be visiting them :)
  20. Oh yes it is..esp. since silence always has it's own sounds :) I'm listening to the pc sound and my own singing..don't know if that's good
  21. Ohhhh I c well then come alone LOL..
  22. yes, that's name we use Cool.. Nasi
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