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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Noop, i don't hear anything Diego, tried IE besides my own Firefox and i tried turning off the firewall and virus scan and nothing..
  2. Must be the full moon then..'feel much the same.. I just to feel very restless with full moon, now it's a mix of down..tired and restless too.
  3. Louis Armstrong/ Only You
  4. Great, good for you! Congratulations and i hope it sells out in no time :)
  5. Hetha, do you ever see me online? I've added you but never see you online.
  6. 20 pounds only Phil? Thank you
  7. Ye can see it coming.... Geoffrey Rush
  8. Oh jack..
  9. unholy matrimony OOPS holy..
  10. That would be easy to find..and if they've a CC (Chocoholics Anonymous) it will be both a good mix of the pleasant and the..less pleasant ROTFLMAO..ok..i see pleasant and think OH NO it's pleasent..change it..think about it and think OH SHOOT..and change it back...
  11. Yep, that can happen! Feelings enough to spoil over.. LOL but thank god there's good ones too ..yep i feel ok-ish
  12. Well, i am fully determined to save every penny next year (and this if i can..) and my vacation money of both next year and the year after, that's about $ 700 i get once a year so i should have atleast..let's not be too optimistic..$1200 come summer 2007 and i have decided to definitely NOT go to LA for some premiere but to visit some faire's in the USA, where there's most chance of meeting ye guys :) Again..(sorry if i'm being rude here but a "guest place" to stay will mean i get to stay longer Ofcourse when anyone is coming to the Netherlands my humble little place's spare room is free to make use of
  13. Like crap and sick and tired of all the bloody assholes that can only find their fun by pretending they're mr perfect and go around hurting people's feelings..
  14. I'm out of here..some company i'd rather not be around right now, keep the rum and have a good party mates
  15. geneticly manipulated..
  16. Oh man..i'll come in a plastic bag if that would be what it takes to be there too I'll be there in thoughts though :) You guys be sure and share some of the fun with me (and others ) afterwards ok? :)
  17. LOL Yeah i recognized that pic Christine.. Nothing wrong with that "cleavage" i'd say (and i know the men would agree..) but some.. Anyway, poor guys..won't forget that one a while
  18. That's a great portrait :) I am old fashioned to some, but i love those old oil paintings, the light on this one..wow
  19. What the hell...here's another couple of bottles ..
  20. Makes sense...and i will not take the last bit personally
  21. Oliver Reed yummy indeed!
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