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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Indonesian and Chinese food (babi pangang and Foe yong hai!)
  2. If you enter a disco and the whole dance floor is cleared so you and your crew have all space..
  3. Whaaa who what where? Who said that..yer most wanted you guys, don't you let anyone tell you different! Nah, i'll protect ye from that You just get to wear torn pirate clothes..(torn on all the right places that is ) In fact..wear what ever ye want, as long as ye come over with lots of other pirates!
  4. Oh *sigh* it did it to me again..i clicked on "new posts" and got taken to one page before this one thinking it was the last... OK, now i AM on the right now.. Tabasco sauce
  5. Swiss Raclette (Melted cheese Raclette recipe )
  6. But what's a faker to ye? I die my hair red since i was only very young...a loooong time back, i am a redhead in the heart! Photobucket rocks! I've got many pages full and more then one sub album too and they still keep adding..you can add loads and loads of pics for free, works for me
  7. Uhm... This isn't for the premiere like the one on the extra's is it? It says for the party, with the stars? I mean..i can go to the premiere in Disney for less then that i hope...
  8. Oh god yes, i downloaded that alone with others on a cd called "Pirate songs". Another very funny one is the secret of monkey island, know that one?
  9. Uhm..you mean if i let them be made? I hope to make them myself in the future but right now even buying fabric is out of the question, i'll keep it in mind though :)
  10. WOW That dress is fantastic fancy! Oh man..if i had money LOL..it's a dream dress...love it
  11. drunken monkey's..
  12. Yep, that's what i mean :) I unfortunitely have a low budget, and ofcourse since i don't have the amount of events to wear them to as you guys, so i don't want anything too expensive but i wanted it to look as traditional as possible. Then there was the boning..well i found out the ones i had werent good, still some people have told me they liked them, so i think it's probably also a lot of trying out and learning from experience :) Everyone's different for sure.
  13. Kick in the rigth place of a male attacker...
  14. I couldn't help but laugh..i agree, i am a newbie myself at all this (and making clothes all together) and so reading this thread with interest..but i'm dizzy from all the different advises
  15. Sleepy and stiff..it's 2.12 am and i've made picture collages all night...yaaawnn.. should be going to bed soon..
  16. To my astonishment i found while watching it they made the latest version of that movie a martial arts movie Disapointing, i'm not mad about that stuff to say the least. Around the world in 80 days
  17. Oh great..we're now totally on top of the list? And they wonder why people go tank over the border of Germany... Unfortunitely it's the same with all products since the Euro came..we're not one of the most expensive countries in Europe and the damn goverment has admitted our Euro is too expensive (we should've gotten a lot more for our guilders) because German economy had to be boosted...and our government agreed to that! Now organisations are going to sue the government and try to get them to give money back to the citizen..some government people agree..yeah right as if they will succeed in thát! We only get cut more...welcome to the rip off country of the world...
  18. Does listening to chanties every day and forgetting about your rock cd's count to? (and Aaarr is...) When you have toilet and kitchen paper with a joly roger decor
  19. indian fry bread
  20. WOW check out the Elisabethan corsets..magnificiant but the price.. That's way beyond pricy...
  21. Maybe.. (There's a world where we don't have to run.. GREAT song..)
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