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Everything posted by Charity

  1. wannabe pirate
  2. Must be getting older (me too )
  3. Bob Anderson, isn't he the guy who tought Geoff and the others on POTC? WOW lucky you! Pity i live overhere or i'd come and have some lessons myself
  4. OT Don't know him, anyone? In the top days of the Wrestling Federations, with Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan etc (I'm a hulkamaniac..or was.. ) you had Uncle Elmer.. He was Hilarious! Wrestling/Uncle Elmer
  5. You've done swords? I love'm and i regret it was so big on the fair i missed the sword fight work shops..
  6. 55??? Sheesh..well thanks, but i meant it..you don't look 55!
  7. HUH You're kidding Sorry, not laughing at ya but you look a bit young for retirement!
  8. She'd be a lot better off
  9. Myth busters..on tv SO cool
  10. Kitten not to pick up without gloves..
  11. walls coming at ya
  12. And then we forgot the lessons and merily went on being a pirate and had lots of fun...
  13. " *watches the waves as she builds a little bonfire* Good evening, Miss Christine. May I join you for some exciting social WARNING!!! ADULT CONTENT!!! intercourse? LOL! laugh.gif Sure, let's head to my private grotto! rolleyes.gif Thank you, my Lady! I will now esort you in a most gentlemanly, yet oddly distant, manner, to the above-mentioned destination. Eh, screw that! *takes him by the hand and they run towards the grotto*" SENSORED (Dang i wanted to put a stripe through the words but don't know the code for that.. :angry: )
  14. The mighty wenches club
  15. Don't ye forget the sisters I may be in training still but i thought i'd move ahead and join the Scurvy Wenches Of The Sisterhood
  16. Oh who cares LOL, we're all considered nuts anyways or not? Overhere when you're dressed different, into pirates as adult etc you're not considered normal either so who cares
  17. Hey thanks That's cool, i will :)
  18. Great, i will definitely do so! I've written him down but right now..i cannot buy any books (Need to save for my LA trip in two years time...yep..i am thát poor ) but i hear almost anything can be found as ebooks on the net..would you know if his works are too?
  19. It may call you a lot of misery doing ( No pun intended ) but i'm sure you can if you want to
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