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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Seriously? That's so cool, i thought i probably was the only classical listener here wich is why i never mention it I love Mozart, and Vivaldi, Locatelli..although i cannot find him a lot and Bach's great too. I love Baroque
  2. Thank you! That is very interesting :) I don't know him either but that makes it all the more interesting to read about him and get to know him. Impressive library as far as books on pirates and piracy/pyracy (I searched under both and found under both) is conceirned. I am reading a book myself which was first brought out in Dutch called Americaense zee-roovers in 1678. Later it was published in English by William Crooke under the name of Bucaniers of America. Two months later a reprint in English came out under te name of History of the Bucaniers, published this time by Thomas Malthus. Both English books were translations out of the Spanish version of the original Dutch book. Henry Morgan file a legal complaint against both books/men as his deeds and characteristics would be displayed all wrong. Malthus didn't stop selling it though but the English king Jacobus 2nd wanted good relations with the Spanish and sought out the case personally. Malthus was then fined for 200 Pound. Etc, interesting book. The man who wrote it was sold twice himself on Tortuga before becoming a pirate himself and he has experienced piracy at first hand. Apairently if one was a poor worker of a company and the company in question went bankrubt the worker was simply sold... Nice time
  3. NEW PICS! I've got them all in an album now, more pirate pics and others.. Elf Fantasy Fair 2005 Pirate Edition
  4. I had to post this, don't ya love it?
  5. I'm sorry you guys have it so bad. I used to when i was real young and living in a pre war house in Rotterdam, mostly wood and very moist . I had to take tablets then but now days it's just two puffs of nose spray a day on both sides, thank god. What about you Christine, are you feeling better yet?
  6. Hmm this place is getting nicely "stocked" with handsome rogues
  7. Isn't it the other way around for pirates? It's not good NOT to have one?
  8. Oh that's great :) Having nature so close I love finches too, i love to hear the different versions of their song. Sometimes it's long and sometimes short, sometimes ending going upwards in tone and sometimes down. Right now, The Wiggles/Captain Feathersword fell alseep on his ...
  9. WOW That's one heck of a cool flag! I hope you get to realize it very soon :)
  10. * Walks softly over to the sleeping Phil, whispers* "Until autumn then"*winking at Christine "I don't know if we can miss our most charming pirate on the board that long LOL", softly walking out again...*
  11. I'm...so...shocked...absolutely at awe...and AARGHHHHHH....... I've found a sponsor in my dad...i am going to the LA POTC#3 Premiere in 2007 YYAAYYYHHAAHOOOOOOO..... *freaking out* LOL Sorry but this is SO COOL...(major understatement). I have to litterally save every cent i can, be as careful as ever (so no more coins, dvd's, action figures etc, but hey..it's worth it right? ) and then, if i show my dad i really do my best he will fill in the gap of what i'll need yet to go to LA! I will still need to find a place to stay, as hotel...that'll be a hard one, knowing how expensive they are, so i will have to find a guest place but i'll get there..i'll go..LA HERE I COME I need a little advice though, anyone who has been there first time? Can you get in from outside Disney or do you have to book a hotel room there? and how long before must you book? I need all the advice i need as this is a first for me on all grounds, US, premiere..never done any thing like it. Thanks :)
  12. Ohh I see LOL. I saw the flag, liked it and then saw your website link and visited it
  13. Sleep well Phil, see ya in the summer!
  14. Ahh you can tell, i'm getting nice and relaxed. Thanks again
  15. The birds singing...i do believe the new day is here...
  16. *Winks* They're hilarious! Ahh thanks, that's good, people here really know how to massage..my neck is stiff as a plank. Thanks for the kindness, it's really appreciated
  17. No thanks, i meant this one The one with the two pistols.. It's original too. (From what i've seen sofar :) )
  18. That's some fearsome looking hooks Captain. Fine website too, but the flag beats it all! I love it, best one i've ever seen, hands down. :)
  19. That's interesting :) Must be great to work at a library but heavy i've heard. I can only image what treasure of books must be there. That lecture sounds very interesting
  20. Well, you know, that only makes things more interesting Great pics of you and Isabel in the galleries!
  21. Ah! Yeah..rejected i know the feeling, kinda washes over ye when those you consider "friends" are no where to be found when something bad (in our case cancer) enters life.. Tells you who is a true friend and i've found some are but the whole thing tends to make you feel very lonely A massage is always nice, thank you! I've been tense and stressed for days.. The good laughs here help though
  22. Hey there Cascabel! That's a nice surprice :) Never seen you here besides on the pictures. I have to say sadly next year there won't be any pirates to be found It's a fantasy Festival and this year it was themed pirate but normally what you see there is fairies and elfs, vampires and lots of medieval. I'll definitely be warning you all when something cool piratal or otherwise comes up. I've uploaded pics in the gallery, but will undoubtfully be uploading better ones after my pics from the normal (far better) camera come in on Tuesday latest.
  23. Could ya give it a try here too? 'Tis a bad day for me..
  24. Is it too late for a lonely wench to join in? I'm in need for some...whatever it is i will find here
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