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Everything posted by Charity

  1. If you When you flog your hubby with the cat'o nine tails for not taking the thrash out .
  2. Welcome to my world/ Jim Reeves/Big Eden Soundtrack
  3. Of the beholder
  4. Excited I bought some great fabrics on the market this morning, am washing some of it now (as my more "sewing seasoned" friend told me to wash first to avoid shrinking of new clothes, before sewing it. I hope it will be dry before this evening when i will start to make a new skirt for my birthday (just small with about 5 people) Sunday :) My actual birthday is on Tuesday, when we go to Mönchengladbach in Germany to have a nice day shopping and sightseeing. It's so cool to make your own clothes and the shopping for fabrics on the market was just so much fun :) I cannot wait to start sewing..
  5. even more jackpot's
  6. Thanks guys :) That's real kind and it helps, thanks!
  7. little green men
  8. Oh DANG...that sounds so bad I am so sorry sweetie, you know..i'm here to talk to, always! I have to run now..get my baby Tabby to the vet..he's causing me lots of worries and so does Dusty who's going to the vet tomorrow I will email you tonight! In the mean time, hang in there :) Biiiiiiiig hugs!
  9. Lawrence of Arabia
  10. Phew, i've been feeling like crap the last days..it's good to be back Weather's so changable here everyone get's sick
  11. I feel sad, angry and determined. I have come to realize the last months i have been trying to be "popular"or better said..unconsciously behave different then i who i am to "fit in" . I did things i normally wouldn't and i am through with it. I am who i am, if that's not how people lik me that's tough luck, and..i really think, their loss as if people really got to know me i'm sure they'd like me. It makes me sad that one should feel this way..apairently in this world there's a vibe going around you should be a certain way to be popular..well..not me..no more.
  12. Piratastic ..uhm...or something
  13. Ahh i should've known no woman there would've thought of anything but saving Pirate Phil!
  14. Still high though..take care Christine, and Phil too :)
  15. Pipo de clown ( He's real pipo In de remote chance anyone actually cares.. )
  16. Hollywood's mad.. You took acting class..and you've definitely got the look one should want to use in a good pirate movie.. What can i say..they're weird Seriously, you've done well in the accumulating more sharp pokey bits and lots of glorious noisemakers
  17. Great pics! Thanks :) Why Phil..it looks if you were "downed" by a female pirate there... Oh dear the shame of it..
  18. fly like an eagle..
  19. His injury? Oh god..i can imagine you freaked..i didn't even realize, i thought he was kidding..sorry 'guess i missed something..again Best wishes to him too and i hope he'll be ok very soon! :)
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