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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. "I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!"
  2. You'd be amazed at what the TSA misses. I'll send you the details.
  3. US$295 for a plastic watch?!
  4. A week ago, we were walking through a rainforest and climbing on Mayan pyramids. This morning, I was picking icicles out of my mustache.
  5. Cold, and getting colder. Starting tomorrow, we'll be lucky to see temps above 0 F for the next 10 days.
  6. Ahoy!! We got back to the Frozen North early Monday morning. The cruise was SPECTACULAR!!!! I'll be posting an after action report this coming weekend, including pictures.
  7. Happy belated birthday, Jen! We were still at sea on your special day. I hope it was glorious! By the way, Janelle's still waiting on the measurements.... :)
  8. Janelle and I will be there in spirit, Cheeks. We're still basking in the afterglow of our raid on the Caribbean. I hope it's a success!
  9. Congratulations, love! I knew they'd love your writing! Drinks all around! And you have no idea how close I came to bringing you a bag of cookies. Next time! :)
  10. See you all on the 30th!
  11. C'mere, love! We need to chat!
  12. I went as the Phantom for Halloween in the late 80's, and part of my makeup under the half-mask was liquid latex applied directly to my face and neck on the masked side. I kept the mask in place all night until my date decided to get amorous in a nightclub. As the night progressed and I'd begun to sweat under the mask, the latex slowly began to wrinkle and pucker, just as I'd hoped it would. When she pulled off the mask to kiss me, it looked like half my face had aged at least 100 years! Boy, did she scream her head off!!
  13. Giddy! Excited! Positively goofy with anticipation! All my projects for work are complete, I just got a FANTASTIC review from my boss, and vacation starts TOMORROW!!
  14. Woohoo!!! We fly to Tampa Saturday! We'll meet up with a dear friend for some drinks and laughs, and then we set sail on Sunday!
  15. 22 hours, and I'm on a plane to warmer climes. :angry:
  16. It is a bit nippy out...
  17. I'd probably do it in a breezy manner....
  18. Another dream shattered....
  19. They still look like the washouts from a roadshow of "Les Miserables". The models. Not the boobs. If they had any.
  20. What breasts? The ones she intends to buy once her modeling career takes off!
  21. I enjoy a pipe every now and again. A bowl of nice, mild aromatic tobacco is really relaxing. :)
  22. You can thank my friend Ian MacFarlane for introducing me to that song. I should change my nickname to "Forum Highwayman", the way I've been hijacking threads lately...
  23. I've posted this before, but it deserves repeating. Donald, Where's Your Trousers? I just got in from the Isle of Skye, I'm not very big and I'm awfully shy. The ladies shout as I go by "Donald, where's your trousers?" Chorus: Let the winds blow high, Let the winds blow low, Down the street in my kilt I go. And all the ladies say "Hello! Donald, where's your trousers?" A lady took me to a ball, And it was slippery in the hall. I was afraid that I would fall 'Cause I didn't have on my trousers! Chorus: They'd like to wed me everyone, Just let them catch me if they can. You canna put the brakes on a Highland man Who doesn't like wearing trousers! Chorus: To wear the kilt is my delight, It isn't wrong, I know it's right. The Highlanders would get a fright If they saw me in trousers! Chorus: Well I caught a cold and me nose was raw, I had no handkerchief at all. So I hiked up my kilt and I gave it a blow, Now you can't do that with trousers! Chorus x 2:
  24. Two days to vacation!
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