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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. And I raise a glass, now that Sadaam has danced his last at the end of a rope.
  2. ^ Macaroni and Cheese < Eagerly awaiting news that Sadaam Hussein has been swung off V Liquor, or liqueur?
  3. Within the hour, Saddam Hussein will be getting a short drop and a sudden stop. I'll be raising a glass in honour of the event.
  4. Lady Snow, please know that when you are among us, we shall always, without fail, provide you with a cup of wine, a plate of beef, a bowl of soup, whatever you need to nourish your body. And much love to soothe your soul.
  5. And quite rightly so! It's a game of retaliation... you withstand the first volley (hers), then wait to return fire - and in doing so, you drag the covers over her head! This counter-attack is known as the "Dutch Oven".
  6. Lady Snow, I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that you're in my prayers and thoughts.
  7. Blackfoot, I'm in the same boat. Go to Tsunami Kate's and see what I fixed anyway. Tuck in, enjoy Christmas and New Years, and hit the regimen after the season is over. Self-deprivation is for monks, and we all know what a sullen lot of angry bastards they are. Bo, my brother, I wish I knew what words might mend your soul. I really do.
  8. Just to show that I don't post "virtual" menus... For some odd reason it looks more rare than what it really is. It's more medium to medium rare, but at least you get the idea.
  9. I hope you and your family are healthy once again, William! :)
  10. I remember you wearing a long skirt, but the tights have my full and firm attention, as well.
  11. Cheeky as ever, love. Take you fishing, is what I meant. Ever play "Worm Digger"? Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a - where the Hell are my pants?! Frothy says "Merry Christmas", as well. Or, he would if he were conscious.
  12. A bit of a misprint there, love. I'd love to take Merry, should we get so specific.
  13. I do a Christmas Eve chili every year. Lots of tomatoes, beans, and at least 2 pounds of meat, usually beef and pork. I use Shiner Bock instead of mole, since they use chocolate in their malting process and the alcohol tenderizes the meat. I also use green and red bell peppers for the Christmas color and some added sweetness, and some chipotle for heat. So, here's wising you all a very Merry Christmas, and bon appétit! [/Julia Childs]
  14. lol.. Christine and I can both smother you.. you do breath thru your ears.. right? Crushed.. hmm .. here we do a rogue sammitch. Lass, meaty center rogue and lass.. I don't have a television in my forehead, but I can take care of the rest. Do your worst, love!! I can take it!!
  15. And I reroute said pictures into me private mailbox-thingie, HOW, exactly? Just wondering.
  16. Psst! Check the signature line of my posts. That should explain everything!
  17. Why, thank you! It's been a while since I've had my breeches referred to or assaulted with such glee! Just funnin' ye, love! Merry Christmas!!
  18. I'd be crushed if you didn't, love! Actually, I'd just be terribly disappointed, but still hoping for an opportunity to be crushed (or at least smothered) at some later date.
  19. I ain't an Official Debaucheteer for nothin'!
  20. Meet me at the mead booth. And forget the knickers.
  21. Congratulations, Iron Bess!! I'll be buying that edition for my own collection. :)
  22. Jack Sparrow is like any man of the sea, love. He's married to the sea first, and his vessel second. His crew serve his second wife, and he'll move heaven and earth to ensure they can serve her adequately. Should the crew and vessel be lost, he'll seek out another second bride to ply the first, and a crew to service her. By the time a sole woman comes along, she's be no more than a distraction. A pleasant diversion from the two that own his heart. You'll never tear a man from the sea and his ship. They call to him, and any other woman is but a doxy to be left behind come the next fair wind.
  23. Bo, know that even though ye be far away, you have a place at our table ever and always. A glass is raised in your honor, my brother!
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