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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. 7 days 'till we set sail...
  2. Son of a... My primary computer's second hard drive failed without warning. All my graphics, editing software, all of it... GONE.
  3. Curses! The "Cookie Gambit" has never failed me before! Whoa is me! :: Jack tried to keep a straight face, but dissolved into laughter. :: Oh, Honour, dear... not the response you were looking for? Cade's been my second, cabbaging on to whatever I've left behind as long as I've known him. But not this time. Not until our business with the chest is complete. After that, you'll never have to set eyes on me again, unless you so choose. Fair enough?
  4. As long as any further movies don't take 20-some-odd years to make and stink to high heaven, I'm all for it. :)
  5. Nonsense! Lot's of room at the Cool Kid's table. :)
  6. 'Cause they want us to stink pretty?
  7. OK, Jack. Quit putting it off and run the stupid reports. :angry:
  8. But to what point and purpose, love? Cookies can be replaced. That key you have cannot.
  9. I have similar luck with these tests...
  10. Not even gonna try. Nope.
  11. I couldn't resist. I love "Mutts"! Yesh!
  12. Either somebody had the burrito platter for lunch, or they've installed a foghorn on this floor.... Sheesh!
  13. Working out? I'm right with you. Going on a diet the week before I go on a cruise? Not so much.
  14. WINNERS: -- Male star: Johnny Depp -- Male action star: Johnny Depp -- On-screen matchup: Johnny Depp & Keira Knightley -- Movie: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" -- Movie drama: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" Not too shabby!
  15. I don't have any of the figures, either. I've got enough junk to dust as it is!
  16. Our travel documents for the cruise arrived today!!
  17. A writ against my assets? Oh, now that's rich! Pardon the pun... :: Jack nonchalantly starts munching on a large key-lime white-chocolate macadamia nut cookie :: I... Mmmm, this is good... I suppose some legal git in Glenlivet concocted this half-baked idea? Speaking of baked, are you sure I can't offer you a cookie?
  18. The dates for 2007 have been posted! August 18th through September 30th, 2007 Weekends, Labor Day and Friday, September 28th Open 9:00 am to 7:00 pm • Rain or Shine
  19. 12 days, and I'm on VACATION!!
  20. I propose a new forum rule: Anyone who posts unauthorized pictures gets beat up by Tigger.
  21. :: Jack takes a bite of double-chocolate chip cookie:: Not hungry, dear. Care to share a bite of mine? It's very good, and it's the last one... So a solitary month in my arms is worth a lifetime of plund... er, enterprise? You flatter me, darling. I had no idea you held me in such passionate esteem! Sorry about the rum thingy... Still, it's nice to know my aim is true! Tell you what, Honour, love. There'll be no explaining anything, because the ship isn't yours, nor will it ever be. Unless you have a solicitor and a lot of legal proceedings stuffed in that ample bodice of yours, which is unlikely, since I've seen the contents of said... never mind! El Lobo and I will sail into the sunset long before you can bring your legal guns to bear. And we still have the small matter of that key, and my promise to you. Why curdle the porridge now?
  22. ::"Damn it all, she's good! Sharper than most, and cannier than the rest. Maybe this tot of absinthe isn't in my best interest after all. " Jack thought. He drew himself up and addressed his bonny lass...:: Fine love. We'll work out "community property" on my ship. You get the half what sinks, and I the half what don't. Fair enough for Solomon himself! Takin' half of what's mine is also takin' half of what's coming to the crew. That would make us, I, the ship, and her crew, irretrievably and irreconcilably inextricable from one another, yeah? Given that, you also have to consider that there is a matter of loyalty at play here. Oh, don't roll your eyes, I wasn't referring to you, dear. My men follow me out of more than a morbid sense of curiosity! Perhaps not much more, but more nonetheless!! The ones that follow you aren't looking for leadership, but they are after some fine booty! Now, now, dearest! Just trying to lighten the moment, as it were. No need for tossing sharp objects. Or breakable ones... Have I mentioned that you smell really nice?
  23. Rumba, my love, you honor me beyond words. You are an amazing and wonderful friend. You and Boats are welcome in my and Janelle's home any time at all. You have helped me through some very rough, very bizarre situations. Thanks to you, I'm even more spiritually centered and focused. And shielded. 'Nuff said. My world is richer with you in it, Rumba. And all of us, to a person, is better off for you touching our lives. Thank you for everything. :)
  24. Merry, I'll sell you a pickle for a dollar (OK, free) any day! Honour, who'd be looking at your navel? Siren, you'll generate more sales than you think! :)
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