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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. And there was that painfully obvious PG-13 rating tagged to thie film. If your 12-year-olds were horrified, take a long look into the mirror and give a wink to the person responsible for their night terrors. Not to put too fine a point on things, but there you have it. Suck it up, and take responsibility for your actions. Ta!
  2. Did anyone catch, as my blessed niece Nicole did, that this was a fantastic example of "Theatre of the Absurd"?! A full circle of the story, reaching back to the beginning? Ted and Terry pulled off a magnificent gag, and I salute them for it. Huzzah!!!!
  3. I ran an interesting test, showing the full trilogy to my family over a 4 day period. They LOVED it. Everything made sense to them, and they had the time of their lives. Some will pick nits and hope to despoil a fine finale, and others will embrace it as a satisfying finish to an ad hoc trilogy. Two hooks up, be my final say on the matter.
  4. I could make a suggestion or two...
  5. Aye, and I'd love to tell you all about it... Will you be at Sioux Falls? Here's hoping.
  6. Packing for a week long trip to Albuquerque.
  7. I've dropped a full stone, but I need to drop another stone and a half. Vigilance will win in the end. Then I'll bloody drink my weight in Guinness!
  8. Holy screaming shyte!! I'm watching "Most Haunted", and Yvette's hair is bloody terrifying!! She didn't just tease it, she friggin' pissed it off!
  9. Hey, y'know darlin', some of us are just a bit slow on the uptake, but we eventually we the job done. If you catch my meaning.
  10. Oh, bloody hell... That nearly blinded me, darling!!
  11. Waiting around for people to finish testing stuff sucks!
  12. Nah. Just means we're incredibly frickin' COOL!
  13. It does my heart good to hear that I've brought smiles to your faces, lasses! Snuggle up, and maybe we can turn them into grins!
  14. Deep-Sea Explorers Discover Possible Richest Shipwreck Treasure in History Friday , May 18, 2007 AP TAMPA, Fla. — Deep-sea explorers said Friday they have mined what could be the richest shipwreck treasure in history, bringing home 17 tons of colonial-era silver and gold coins from an undisclosed site in the Atlantic Ocean. Estimated value: $500 million. A jet chartered by Tampa-based Odyssey Marine Exploration landed in the United States recently with hundreds of plastic containers brimming with coins raised from the ocean floor, Odyssey co-chairman Greg Stemm said. The more than 500,000 pieces are expected to fetch an average of $1,000 each from collectors and investors. "For this colonial era, I think (the find) is unprecedented," said rare coin expert Nick Bruyer, who examined a batch of coins from the wreck. "I don't know of anything equal or comparable to it." Citing security concerns, the company declined to release any details about the ship or the wreck site Friday. Stemm said a formal announcement will come later, but court records indicate the coins might come from a 400-year-old ship found off England. Because the shipwreck was found in a lane where many colonial-era vessels went down, there is still some uncertainty about its nationality, size and age, Stemm said, although evidence points to a specific known shipwreck. The site is beyond the territorial waters or legal jurisdiction of any country, he said. "Rather than a shout of glee, it's more being able to exhale for the first time in a long time," Stemm said of the haul, by far the biggest in Odyssey's 13-year history. He wouldn't say if the loot was taken from the same wreck site near the English Channel that Odyssey recently petitioned a federal court for permission to salvage. In seeking exclusive rights to that site, an Odyssey attorney told a federal judge last fall that the company likely had found the remains of a 17th-century merchant vessel that sank with valuable cargo aboard, about 40 miles off the southwestern tip of England. A judge signed an order granting those rights last month. In keeping with the secretive nature of the project dubbed "Black Swan," Odyssey also isn't talking yet about the types, denominations and country of origin of the coins. Bruyer said he observed a wide range of varieties and dates of likely uncirculated currency in much better condition than artifacts yielded by most shipwrecks of a similar age. The Black Swan coins — mostly silver pieces — likely will fetch several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars each, with some possibly commanding much more, he said. Value is determined by rarity, condition and the story behind them. Controlled release of the coins into the market along with their expected high value to collectors likely will keep prices at a premium, he said. The richest ever shipwreck haul was yielded by the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha, which sank in a hurricane off the Florida Keys in 1622. Treasure-hunting pioneer Mel Fisher found it in 1985, retrieving a reported $400 million in coins and other loot. Odyssey likely will return to the same spot for more coins and artifacts. "We have treated this site with kid gloves and the archaeological work done by our team out there is unsurpassed," Odyssey CEO John Morris said. "We are thoroughly documenting and recording the site, which we believe will have immense historical significance." The news is timely for Odyssey, the only publicly traded company of its kind. The company salvaged more than 50,000 coins and other artifacts from the wreck of the SS Republic off Savannah, Ga., in 2003, making millions. But Odyssey posted losses in 2005 and 2006 while using its expensive, state-of-the-art ships and deep-water robotic equipment to hunt for the next mother lode. "The outside world now understands that what we do is a real business and is repeatable and not just a lucky one shot deal," Stemm said. "I don't know of anybody else who has hit more than one economically significant shipwreck." In January, Odyssey won permission from the Spanish government to resume a suspended search for the wreck of the HMS Sussex, which was leading a British fleet into the Mediterranean Sea for a war against France in 1694 when it sank in a storm off Gibraltar. Historians believe the 157-foot warship was carrying nine tons of gold coins to buy the loyalty of the Duke of Savoy, a potential ally in southeastern France. Odyssey believes those coins could also fetch more than $500 million. But under the terms of a historic agreement Odyssey will have to share any finds with the British government. The company will get 80 percent of the first $45 million and about 50 percent of the proceeds thereafter.
  15. Nice Douglas Adams quote, Chole! "Of course I treat my body like a temple! I rather feel like sacrificing a virgin to it, now that you bring it up!" ~ Me, about a week ago.
  16. Reborn. God help us all.
  17. If I must interject (wink, wink), I love the AWE soundtrack. I've been listening to it over the past two days, along with the expanded score of PotC1. Wonderful stuff!
  18. And people wonder why I quit this board...
  19. Now if you have a taste for this experience, And you're flushed with your very first success; Then you must try a twosome, or a threesome And you'll find your conscience bothers you much less. Because murder is like anything you take to. Its a habit-forming need for more and more. You can bump off every member of your family, And anybody else you find a bore...
  20. Cheers to the powdermonkey! And his lovely Grams! :)
  21. ^ Had a member of my team that collected the odd little things. < Will continue here in spirit (and mod status) only. V Whiskey: Irish, or Scotch?
  22. Looks like fun! We're already committed to working at the Sioux Falls Ren Fest that same weekend. Have a glass or two for us!
  23. Entertainers for the 2008 Renaissance Festival Cruise have been announced! E Muzeki Gypsy, Middle Eastern, and Renaissance music. Jennifer Ellen O'Connor Joshua Amyx Mark Varelas Washing Well Wenches Wonderful man-bashing show. Danielle Dupont Johnny Phoenix - Dangerous Comedy Escapes from a straightjacket while wearing a womens bra...funny stuff. Dean Laseter Ashley Laseter Ashley is part of the entertainment and will be belly dancing to Emuzeki. Todd Key - Juggler Awesome solo juggler and comedian. Steve Ryder- Magician "Sir Ryosus" - Show of Wonders...when he's done you'll wonder why he did it?
  24. From The Star (UK) Depp in vigil for ill daughter By THOMAS WHITAKER and NICK PARKER March 08, 2007 JOHNNY DEPP was last night keeping a vigil for his seriously ill daughter at a British hospital. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" actor was due to start filming a new movie in England when LILY-ROSE, seven, became sick. He and his partner VANESSA PARADIS have spent the last nine days with their little girl, who is in a “serious condition”. The couple, who live in France with Lily-Rose and their four-year-old son Jack, have been coming into the hospital via a staff entrance. They travel in a blacked-out people carrier with their security team. A hospital source said: “They are worried sick — but Lily-Rose is getting the very best treatment available.” The Sun knows the name of the hospital and the nature of the illness but we are not printing them to protect the family’s privacy. American Depp, 43, is in Britain to shoot the screen version of hit musical "Sweeney Todd" at Pinewood Studios in Bucks. He is playing Sweeney — the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The devoted dad usually takes his family with him when he is filming. A studio source said: “Johnny is deeply concerned about his daughter. “As soon as he heard that she is unwell he went to her bedside. “He will do anything for his kids.” Depp’s spokesman declined to comment.
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