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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Over the Moon. Janelle and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this week, and we're happier now than ever before. We've lavished one another with gifts, and I can't remember feeling this happy ever! Please, join us in the celebration, my dear friends!
  2. You'd think powder monkeys would be in higher demand...
  3. It's my pleasure and delight to cause you to spew your beverage of choice, love.
  4. Posting new PotC 'inspirational' posters instead of working.
  5. It's been said that if you put 100 monkeys (undead or not) in a room with 100 typewriters for 100 years, 1 of them will write a Shakespeare play. Thanks to the Internet, we now know that this assumption is false.
  6. Bess & Cheeky -- Please do! I'm glad you like it!
  7. Keep dreaming...
  8. Best. Boots. EVER.
  9. Oi! Quit hoarding the rain down there! My lawn crunches when I walk on it, it's so bone dry.
  10. Funny, that's been my opinion of her all this time. Whenever I want the straight story, I always turn to you. Say "Hi" to Ted and Terry for us, would you?
  11. Looks like you need to say it at least one more time, as always.
  12. Just leave it alone, Jack. Walk away from the keyboard...
  13. People, please pull your collective heads out of your asses and wake up to some simple facts. Do a bit of research on how our Sun works. To encapsulate the subtleties that seem to escape the vacuous, brain dead Al Gore groupies, here's how cosmology plays into it all. Forgive me for eschewing subtlety, but here's how the cosmos works. The Sun is one massive fusion reactor. The more energy it creates, the larger the outer gas cloud, or heliosphere, expands. Now you and I know that such a reaction cannot last forever. But it can wreak havoc on our planet. Geology proves that out, in the form of large and small Ice Ages. It does not matter the number of cow farts or SUV's on the road. What matters is the interaction with the Sun and the Earth. Geologists will tell you that in the overall scope of things on the Geological Clock, Man occupies the last 2 minutes before Midnight. So please, someone, justify to me how we're screwing up the planet? Earth is fully capable of shedding us off like we're nothing but a fleas. She's proved it time and again. She'll shuck us off like we were nothing. So, tell me: what's to fix?
  14. I still haven't watched a single episode.
  15. These "entertainers" need to figure out that nobody gives a flying fig about their opinions, political or otherwise. Shut up and sing!
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