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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Thanks, everyone! We had great fun messing with all their photogs. Some did a splendid job!
  2. That was only the preliminary expedition, love. I'll be cure to keep you abreast as to whatever pops up.
  3. Missing the sea already.
  4. Or are white-chocolate macadamia nut cookie still your weakness?
  5. Oh my, who left this hand saw lying about?
  6. Thank you, Hector! And actually, Honour, the young lass was, um, testing out a new perfume. Quite the subtle scent, so one has to get very close to appreciate it's delicate bouquet. I was providing important feedback to the artistic process. And I didn't spill a single drop of my drink!
  7. The only thing more wooden than Bloom's acting in AWE was Ragetti's eyeball.
  8. My favourite flavour of tart.
  9. Ohhh... THAT profile picture! Res ipsa loquitur, no? Besides, there's not a lot I can explain. My vision was totally obscured during the entire sordid incident.
  10. I wouldn't have you anywhere else, love.
  11. Apollo (Who put a computer in the hotel lobby?)
  12. Jack (John), which means "God is gracious". Until age 12, I was under the impression it was "Dammit!" Go figure.
  13. Ready to sail!
  14. Rumba Rue is, as far as I am concerned, one of my absolute best friends. My life would be lesser if she weren't a part of it. I love you, Rumba. Thank you for standing by me, despite my foolishness. Knowing you, I am graced. Thank you for believing in me. Now, keep reading my stories, dammit!
  15. Not really a random thought, but one out of frustration. Can we please trade Tavaris Jackson AND Adrian Peterson for two clipboards and a water cooler? Please, oh pretty please? *EDIT* Can I add coach Brad Childress into the trade? Same terms. Good lord, the Vikings suck. Didn't I bitch about this same crap last year?
  16. Those aren't hot flashes, love. It's merely anticipation. Of what, we'll let everyone else guess. Important PM on it's way!
  17. Now that's what I'm talking about. The PotC movies are ultimately (1) monster movies set in a pirate world, (2) existential escapism at it's best, and (3) rollicking damned good fantasy storytelling. If you expect anything more, you've set yourself up for disappointment. The movies are supposed to be fun. Escapist fun. Let's face it; if they portrayed pirate life accurately, it would be a mortifyingly boring tale, interjected with ungratifying spaces of panicked action. Let's just accept it for what it is. A fun ride. You have to admit, undead monkey cannonballs are just damned funny. Maps you can spin into what you need them to be? Now we've got some fun. Real life is too bizarre in the most ugly possible fashion. Let's all enjoy the escape without taking ourselves too seriously, shall we? Otherwise, we're all in for a damned dull go 'round.
  18. Hmmmmm.... A bowl of cherries? You present me with a difficult choice. Which do I tie in knots with not but my tongue? You, or the cherry stems? (I extend the same offer to you, Rumba. I have been away for a while...) Honour! I didn't realise you were standing there. Honestly, I wasn't trying to... Oh, hell. I give up. You caught me. Just don't scuff the paint on our way out, OK?
  19. Well! Then if you put it that way, drinks all around! And I'm sure that my wayward wifemate, Captain Wench, or should I say, Mrs. Honour (Bright) Wolfe, will be close behind. God forbid she even try to pilot El Lobo del Mar...
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