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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. The jackhammer and car alarm concerto from the parking ramp across from my office.
  2. They can always check the seat cushions...
  3. Listening to the "light and variable winds" howling against my office window.
  4. Chicken coops were common, along with pig and goat pens.
  5. Getting drunk on some excellent Irish whisky, and contemplating how I'm going to grill supper.
  6. We're all thinkin' it, so I might as well say it. A beautiful woman deserves a beautiful blade. And you're both extraordinary.
  7. An archaic writing convention was to use a "y" in place of the phonetic long "i".
  8. Lovely and unique. Perfectly suits you, love.
  9. Where's the key to the rum locker?
  10. Those we consider "classical" composers were the "pop" stars of their time.
  11. Gone from pissed to angry. Time to fire a doctor.
  12. Here's a tip: when you bring your flour home from the grocer's, pop it in the freezer for 24 hours or so. That will freeze the weevil eggs and kill them. Sorry for the temporal intrusion.
  13. I'm fairly certain that unless one is trying to break into the Thai porn industry, there's no need for penis AND breast enlargement pills. Just a thought.
  14. Incredibly pissed off at one of my wife's doctors.
  15. Last night was homemade Creole Shrimp Bisque.
  16. Cedar plank salmon with veggie & fruit salsa.
  17. "Who the Hell took the cork off my lunch?!" ~ W. C. Fields
  18. I can think of 10 people right off the top of me head what would scared the living f**k out of these lubbers, and they're all right here on the Pub. That's a compliment, blokes!
  19. Norrington, like any good Naval officer, would gravitate toward service over self. His identity was locked up in his rank, until the very end when he chose freedom over the contract of servitude. Classic Jean-Paul Sartre. I mourned his death, but I understand it.
  20. Hook would be too easy to distract and beat. A well-timed "Oh, look out for the alligator!" or making noises like a ticking clock, and it's all over!
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