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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. If I see or hear one more "news" story about that heirhead Parasite Hilton, I'm gonna scream.
  2. ^ Never been seasick, or any kind of motion sick. < Not a fan of the darker liquors (except rum, or course!) V Cell phones: necessity or nuisance?
  3. водочка (Vodka!)
  4. I saw them in concert back in April. Fantastic show, and lovely music. And, yes, the fiddler's HOT!!
  5. "Empire of Blue Water" by Stephan Talty. It's a really good biography of Morgan and the Brethren.
  6. Makes sense to me. Thanks!
  7. Bess, darling dear, I do have one more probably superfluous questions... Why does Hector wear a glove on his left hand only? Mystique? Just because? Enquiring minds won't quit bugging me about it.
  8. I love the classics....
  9. My wife's comment on that scene was "It doesn't matter how pretty the glass; he's still human Nyquil."
  10. I've already seen the chiropractor, and my massage therapist gets to have her way with me this afternoon.
  11. Nursing a badly sprained rotator cuff.
  12. Hannibal Lechter will buy Will's heart off eBay and have it with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  13. Actually, she was a convention attendee... but that's a story for another time, yeah?
  14. I find it interesting that John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith (for example) reused themes and devices from their previous scores, not to mention borrowing styles and devices from other composers, and never came under similar criticism...
  15. The whole trilogy can be classified as "Theatre of the Absurd", since the story ends up pretty much where it started. Funny old world, innit?
  16. Of course it's deliberate! When have I ever stuck to convention?
  17. What about undead monkeys?
  18. Zimmer really outdid himself on this one. Amazing stuff! And "What Shall We Die For" really gets the blood racing.
  19. Bootstrap killed Norrington with a pike, and Jones took Norrington's sword (the one Will made in the first movie). Later on, Jones ran Will through with the sword, thus bringing one more aspect of the story full-circle.
  20. The critics were upset because they actually had to pay attention for a change. I didn't have any trouble following the story. I'd be disappointed if there weren't a myriad of backstabbing plots and subterfuge! My favourite parts were the undead monkey cannonball, and the collective gasp of the women in the theatre when Jack told Giselle, "Of course it makes you look fat!"
  21. I'll see you there, mate!
  22. Thanks for taking the time to clear things up for us, Bess. It's much appreciated!
  23. My sister-in-law is vehement that Elizabeth and Will's son was the reincarnation of the boy hung at the beginning of the film. I say he was remarkably similar in appearance. Which, dear Iron Bess, is the truth?
  24. We, in this modern age, cringe at the thought of our children being exposed to "fantasy" violence. Yet for millenia we've given not a second thought to sending our children into war, and certain, horrific death. I'd rather they be exposed to fictional atrocities instead of said atrocities being committed against them and their comrades. If they cringe from fantasy, let's pray they abhor the real thing.
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