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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. These look like pictures from a camera phone. Personally, I love candid shots showing the actors getting sprayed with hair spray. It reminds me of the hard work they go through to bring me the enjoyment of a story well told.
  2. For all you newcomers...this be one funny Pirate Pop site.
  3. Do you remember the fan from Japan that made a Captain Jack Sparrow doll from an Edward Scissorhands doll? Now that "action figure" hade a good face. Link to discussion on Jack Doll
  4. Is it authorized or an artist's interpretation? I've seen these lamps before about a year ago. The faces always seem a little off.
  5. Best Wishes to yer wife for a speedy recovery, mate. We missed you.
  6. I've had too much rum...I'm seeing double. What an unruly crew of scabbard dogs.
  7. Well, me mates, we scared them into the holdin the contest by following the sage advice of non-violent civil disobedience. We stood outside the gates by said sign up sheet and made everyone in costume sign up. We had the contest. Here by a picture of the winners. One be Jack2 and the other be another Jack. The third fellow be Pirate Wesley. The jolly fellow be the mayor.
  8. Scoop: Filming begins in St. Vincent on March 30, 2005 from a very reliable source that is NOT Iron Bess. I got it from the HMS Bounty website schedule.
  9. I've taken your advice, however, I modified it. Since I can't very well authorize a Letter of Marque, I be just a humble pirate, I have come up with the following certificate. Ye have been proclaimed Privateer Captain By the Privateers Of Sonoran Seas Extraordinaire, (POSSE) whilst attending the 2005 Arizona Renaissance Faire Pirate Days. This award entitles the bearer to three Huzzahs for a job well done and the first round of grog is on you. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
  10. Royaliste, I didn't know ye swinged both sides of the anchor. Yer not a eunich, are you? Just kidding.
  11. Avast me mates, I decided on another tactic to deal with such unruly royals. As I am privateer first and then a pirate, I intend to beat them at their own game. Crew, we will recruit as many pirates as we can whilst walking the faire to enter said contest. Therefore, they must be prepared to surrender the booty. Huzzah!
  12. G-Rated, Jack2. That means no liquor. This is also why we can't meet at the Greyhound Guild. We are commandeering their stage. Me sis says the stage will most likely be guarded now that they know we plan to mutiny. So me next plan is to tell all the pirates we run across at the faire to be at the stage at 1pm for the contest thereby meeting the Faire's minimum requirement of "15". I love to stir the pot.
  13. Tsk Tsk Rhumba Rue....off topic.... But since ye brought it up...pm me too about the meeting. Enough said...off topic.
  14. First off, I have to pull this together by Saturday morning. Second, each prize should be under $25 and I'm thinking 3 -4 big prizes with smaller ones for the honorable mentions. All winners will be handed a Letter of Marque declaring them one of the following: Dread Pirate (Winner) First Mate (First Runner Up) Bossum (Second Runner Up) with the following "Honorable Mentions" Best Sword (there was a lovely one there last year..I hope he shows, he should have won) Best Captain Jack Sparrow (we all know they will be there. I'm bringing one) Best Wench Pirate (not sure on this one. maybe to sexist..give me your opinions) Anyways, I really feel it's all about the recognition and not the prizes. A pirate just wants bragging rites. What do you get someone who's into pirates that they don't already have?
  15. Alright you scurvy dogs, Stand up and be counted. This shipmate is mutining and looking for crew to take of the Az Ren Faire this weekend. If'n ye interested, say Huzzah!
  16. Ahoy Mates, I'm planning on mutining at the Az Ren Faire and holding me own Best Adult Pirate contest. I be needin some ideas for prizes for the adults. It must be G-rated. I'm planning on going right before the kiddie pirates so I can hold them hostage to be the judges. It also needs to cost less than $25. I not be made of gold mates. Your support in the mutinty is appreciated.
  17. Well, me mates, it appears that we must mutiny and take over the Pirate Days at AZ Ren Faire. The government of the Faire has informed me that only if they have "minimum of 12-15" adult participants will they have a adult competition for best pirate. The kiddies competition is scheduled for 2pm at the Teatro de la Rosa stage regardless of the number of participants. Last year, very few people knew about the contest, which is probably why I won....very little competition. The Faire did a very poor job of getting the word out. Once again, the Faire appears to be falling short on getting their act together. Mates, if the powers that be determine there will be no adult competition, I will lead a mutiny and we shall take over the stage and have our own adult competition. I am willing to donate prizes and we shall use the audience of kiddie pirates for the judges. Who is with me on this? Say Huzzah!
  18. Thanks for the updates, Iron Bess. I hope everyone is having a good time on the sets and that things go well. I'm dreaming of what it would be like to get paid playing a pirate. Fun!
  19. Aye Aye Captain, Sounds like a grand time not be missed and August in Arizona is the best time to be escaping to California. Hopefully, we will be meetin ye soon.
  20. Spoke to a vendor Sunday who's looking forward to the new site. She stated the faire date had been pushed back because the site is still a bit soggy. She sells beatiful jewelry next door to Overstreet clothing merchant.
  21. Alright Crew, Stand up to be counted. As of today, I have the following Pyrates signing up for meetin and greetin at the front of the faire on Satursday at 10:30am. Meself, Black Hearted Pearl Me sis, Red Ruby the Gimp Jack2 and friend Desert Pyrate and crew And Mercernary Mary will be looking for us at the Best Pyrate Contest. Speak up, scurvy dogs, will ye be attendin?
  22. Those sound like good dates for me and me brood. What are you charging to sail on the Royaliste?
  23. Arrgh!, They be cuties. I be going is sans mini-pirates Saturday for the contest. We're going to enter a ringer. My little young ones are more interested in Knights, Vikings and Wizards this year, thanks to runescape Desert Pirate, Drop me an email, maybe's we can hook up?
  24. Check this website for the latest on pop fan info on JD. Johnny Depp Zone If he wants you to know, it will be posted there.
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