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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. He's the big black guy with the cool make-up markings.
  2. Actually, that's not a picture of Johnny but a impersonator. I don't know who, but I'm going to go with Ted Shred of Pirates for Hire. Also, 'Fender' guitars rule...... from Scottsdale, Arizona.
  3. Meet the Robinsons? Taking bets now. Odds on favorite (4 to 1), Trailer will premiere with Meet the Robinsons movie. Odds on the trailer premiering with Ratatouille movie: 25 to 1 PLACE YOUR BETS.
  4. I wish I could attend, but alas I had already made a committment to my son's school Silent Auction that weekend. If I didn't think there would be consequences to dropping out of the Silent Auction, I'd be there with my boots on. Have a great time and share lots of pictures.
  5. There are two threads on this subject. One I started before this one in Ports of Call. There, I have a link directly to the Press Release on the ships. As a Castaway Club member, I received this link directly from Disney. Here is a link to that discussion. Pyracy Pub Ports of Call Link on Disney's Two New Ships IMO, One of these ships will be assigned to the West Coast specifically for a Mexican Riveria itenary and perhaps both, one doing an Alaska/Canadian itenary. The Magic (Disney's 1st Ship) is making it's second repositioning to the West Coast in May 2008. As stated in the Press Release, this itenary (which went on sale Jan. 31) sold out in hours. The Magic will then return to the East Coast in Aug. 2008. This comes just after the Magic returning from a successful run in the Mediterrean and the Wonder just coming out of an extensive drydock. Something I think the Magic is in desperate need of as well. Yes, I know, it appears I'm addicted and yes, I am. So much so, I have my spot on the repositioning cruise. New Car or Cruise through the Panama Canal? Which one would a pirate take?
  6. Thank you, thank you very much!
  7. Industrial Light and Magic video on POTC:DMC special effects
  8. Ports of Call in San Pedro. The Port of Call between Long Beach and Seal Beach is in Rainbow Harbor and it has been revitalized. Not so for the one in San Pedro.
  9. Ports of Call, the last time I visited this past summer, looked like the bottom of a bilge pump. I raided the village in search of a sea going vessel so I could sneak up on the Pearl docked down the way and out of sight. Alas, the place was a ghost town with little or no redeeming value. I don't even want to begin describing the food we ate there. Off-topic: I ended up commandeering a ship out of the Dill Pickle Yacht club and getting my peak of the Pearl up close. The crew of the Pearl were a bit surprised to see us, but waved gallantly anways. Ports of Call and the surrounding area are a lost opportunity for the City of Los Angeles. It's too bad they don't revitalize it like Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach.
  10. Disney Announces Expansion of Successful Cruise Business
  11. ^ Violin or fiddle. < I'm planning on going the Highland Games this weekend, so I'll be hearing some great bagpiping. V Favorite Pirate Band?
  12. ^ That chocolate ganache cake from Trader Joe's and I didn't have to cook it. < What are you doing with a PINK child's guitar? My curiousity has been piqued. V What instrument do you wish you could play?
  13. Let's go over this one more time, crew. Spammers are not posting to get people to their site from the PYRACY PUB, but if that happens...it's a bonus. This is all about Search engines and getting their website to the top of the list for the guy/gal who is looking for porn and will PAY FOR IT. There is probably some poor soul sitting in a cubicle being paid to post as many 'links' on other sites to the porn site so the porn site will move up on the Search Engine Result list. This person has been given 100's of email addresses to use to help create these links to the Porn site. Bottom line, the sooner we delete the link, the less beneficial it is to the porn site and to the person paid to create the link.
  14. SOAPBOX TIME!!!!! If you don't want to be disappointed: DON'T READ ANYTHING THAT SAYS IT'S ABOUT POTC:AWE. This way, you won't be disappointed. I, on the other hand, love to sneak peaks at Christmas presents, catch the tooth fairy in the act, and made Hausenpeffer with the Easter Bunny!
  15. You forgot.... As well as one of us would have yelled "Prepared to be boarded!"
  16. Use the PM button to notify the moderator of the forum directly. The report buttons are NOT working at the moment. Or just click on the moderator's name and then select Personal Message. Thank you all for your support in ridding the pub of spammers.
  17. ^ yes that and hearts too. Me mom thought all girls liked pink and hearts. blah! < suppose to be going to do volunteer work with the blonde mafia. Can you say procrastination? V Get er done or wait til the last minute?
  18. Chinese water torture. A drip of information here, a drip information there. Drip Drip Drip Drip Ok, so one too many drips, but I couldn't resist the pararllel.
  19. Porn DVD screams prompt sword 'rescue'
  20. Coupon for this weekend (Feb 24 & 25) of buy 1 adult ticket, kid gets in free available online at this link. Arizona Renaissance Festival Coupon for Feb. 24 & 25.
  21. ^ Truman. He had some hard decisions to make regarding WWII, but the job got finished quickly. < I have a nephew in Iraq. I'm mad at my brother for allowing this to happen. It will be a cold day in h#ll before I'll let my 3 boys go to THIS war. V If you could pick anyone (living or dead), who would you pick to be President now?
  22. Let's here for test pilots....oh, wait, that test DUMMIES.
  23. ^ Learned how to sail, how to shoot guns from a tallship, and went to the caribbean. < Have to go to a meeting where I want to be a pirate, but have to behave instead. I don't want to go. The blonde mafia just chats about what celebrities they have gotten items from and then suggest outrageous starting bids for the items. The Chicago Bears LOST the superbowl. V Is $150 per person seem unreasonable to you for an auction dinner ticket or am I the backward one?
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