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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Ah, but only for now m' dear crimson. This kind of thing happens quite a bit around here. There's bound to be another show fairly soon. But thank ye for stopping by, you've been a lovely audience member! :)

    BTW, hope ye been having luck getting up a profile pic. Photobucket should work well for ya. Best of luck to ye! ;)

  2. *perks up, eyes widen*

    SHRIMP!!?? ;)

    *jumps up, runs over and grabs a plate, scoops up some shrimp, grabs something to drink and then runs back to sit down. Sits with plate in hand while eating the shrimp, a smile spreads across me face.* ;)

  3. Yup, it be the simple and small things that make me happy. And then get me dancing-lol!

    *swims over to the side and gets out of the pool. takes a few sips of the finest drink crimson has ordered. Gets up on the table and proceeds to dance, slowly at first.*

    Any of the ladies from me slumber party care to join me, come on up here!

  4. Well mateys, I be one crazy person! My sister, mom and I did one hell of a spur of the moment this Halloween! The day started off normal. The 3 of us decided to go to this Day of the Dead festival by the beach. Afterward we went along the coast highway. We kept going and ended up in Anaheim. For the hell of it, we decided to go to both Disneyland and California Adventure. Did the park hopper thing. And what an awesome time we had too! Very strange, but fun Halloween this was! And yes, I bought the cd. No way would I pass it up this time. BTW, it be cheaper than on the website. Only $20. If any of ye can get to the theme parks buy it from there. Also, there's a Haunted Mansion one too with everything from the attraction. Both were great finds! I also bought me a pirate ball antena. Saw that and just had to have it! Gee, my birthday is coming up next Saturday. I keep buying meself gifts, no one will be able to get me anything. I keep getting me own stuff-lol! Ahhhh....*big sigh* What a great weekend this was, Ren Faire on Saturday and Disneyland on Sunday. And now I'm going to pass out...... :ph34r:

  5. It's awesome! I'm kicking meself for not buying it at Disneyland. My guyfriend bought it back in 2002 when I joined him with his whole entire family. We played it on the way home and it is simply awesome! It also is a little less in price if you buy at the Pirate store there at Disneyland. I told meself that upon next visit I'd buy me own copy. Well, went again last month with me sister and Captain Morgan and just forgot. Was even in the same store, but was busy showing things around to Disneyland newbie Josh. Argh! Well, one day I'll get me hands on it!

  6. How cool! Funny ol' world ain't it? lol! I take it that event went really well? Still wish I had been able to make it. I don't know if my friend Emily even went. Haven't talked to her since that weekend. Hmmm.... :(

    Hey, Bess, got a question for ya, somewhat off topic: did Disney ever make Cheshire cat plushies? If so, would Disney Store have them or are they only available at the theme parks?

  7. Hmmm...don't know if ordering it from Amazon will exactly be cheaper. The shipping and handling charges will end up making it cost about the same. At least going into the store to buy it, you get it right away, no waiting at all. :)

  8. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown was supposed to be shown tonight at 8pm on ABC. But because of the stupid political crap, they moved it to 1:40 in the morning! How stupid! Hey, kids, sorry your cartoon was moved to the wee hours of the morning. The dumb political people are all full of hot air! How annoying! :D

    For me, other than the movies, I love all the paranormal specials. Like where they go into real haunted houses and stuff like that. Trying to capture ghosts on video. Now that stuff is really scary!

  9. Oh, thank ye Flintlock! How sweet of ya! Actually tho I changed me avatar some time ago. Figured it be time for a change and also to use a pic of me garb. That was from the Escondido faire this past April. Since the faire is back again this weekend, perhaps I'll get some new pix. :)

    Sorry to hear you couldn't make it Siren. Hopefully your daughter is feeling better now.

    Aye, it'll be great to see some of your pix Flintlock, whenever you can get them up here. Having them on a cd does help a lot. They're already scanned for ya. Now you just need to create a url link for them and then you can post them here. :blink:

  10. Has this been mentioned, "Garfield Halloween Special"? The one where he and Odie dress as pirates. The whole ghost pirate thing is classic! At one point Josh, aka Captain Morgan, and I discussed this while walking around Disneyland. Great cartoon! :)

  11. Can't wait to see your pix flintlock jack! And Siren, any pix from ye? I'm sure you had a blast! Speaking of faire, looking forward to this weekend for the Escondido ren faire here in California. I'm having such faire withdrawals-lol!

  12. I'd love to go to Tarrytown! The creepy huge house they used for the 2 movie versions of Dark Shadows is there. "House of Dark Shadows" and "Night of Dark Shadows". It's such a cool, but creepy looking house. :)

  13. *hugs Merry* Today and yesterday have been sucky for me too. Being lied to by someone I thought I knew is really starting to suck! Merry, care to come swim with me? I could use the company, keep me from drowning meself.

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