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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Aye Scupper, he also called me last night too. I was a little surprised he was leaving a day early, but he was so up-beat. Being his goofy funny self-lol! He told me he'd hold me to my promise about his 2nd visit to Disneyland when he returns in April. ;)

  2. One of these days, in this lifetime, I need to get meself out to Disney World. Ooooh, and I would love to go to Euro Disneyland, the one in Paris! The Haunted Mansion there is totally different, it's called Phantom Manor. I've seen pix on it, looks awesome! Ah, sigh....one of thse days, :ph34r:

  3. *comes running down the beach and does cartwheels* lol! :ph34r: Yay, work is done and I have Sunday off, woo-hoo! Now, if I could just get rid of this annoying cough and sore throat! :lol: The last part of the cold, which has over-stayed it's welcome. <_<

  4. Aye, maybe a wee bit jealous of Miss Swann, but as I said, those 2 have such an interesting connection. To see those 2 together like that is just.....whoa! :ph34r: She brings out this wild side in him with her innocence and sexuality. It spurs him on and then he in turn drives her wild too, unleashing the wild woman under that corset and petticoats-lol! I just love it, love the whole thing with those 2! Mmmmm......! <_<

    Indeed, LadyB, it's like a soap opera on the high seas. Elizabeth is with Barbossa, an ex lover of Barbossa's is with Jack Sparrow, Wil Turner, who used to be with Elizabeth is now with Lysette (first mate to Captain Josephine-Barbossa's ex lover), Elizabeth's father is with a young girl slightly older than Elizabeth. Whoa! LOL! :lol:

  5. Thank ye everyone! My sister Sabrina and I should open a tour guide service-lol!

    Ah, Barbarous, thank ye for the kind words. :rolleyes: And I'm sure I'd have a blast running around Disneyland with ye. If ye need a tour guide let me know. Just look at Captain Morgan there, he still can't stop smiling-lol! I got the poor guy addicted to Disneyland now, not that it's a bad thing-lol!

  6. Next time we go I'm going to have the ride operators take pix of us before the ride starts. You know, like the one of me on Peter Pan or even the one of you on Mr. Toad's. Cool huh my ca-razy Disney brother? LOL! :lol:

  7. Aye, I'll be up for another trip! Yup, you gotta do Tiki Room and Space Mountain. Tis a damn shame they were closed for refurbishment, but what can ya do. Just come back another time-lol! :lol:

    The one pic of me wearing my Captain Hook hat on the Peter Pan ride, I look like a little kid. LOL! :lol: Ah, yes, good times indeed! Fun damn trip! We still will need plastic surgery to remove our smiles-LOL! :lol:

  8. I figured I'd post this here. Captain Morgan and I have talked about our trip so much in this section anyway-lol! And I'm sure he'll eventually be putting his pix up soon too. :unsure:

    This is all the cool pix that my sister Sabrina and I took. Check them out here at my photo album:


    On Saturday September 4th, 2004, my sister Sabrina and I took Josh (Captain Morgan) for his first visit to Disneyland. What better tour guides than 2 crazy sisters who are from California! Been going at least once a year since we were 3 years old! We had an absolute blast! It was simply perfect for a holiday weekend. Not that many crowds so it was easy to jump on rides without waiting so long. We even got on Pirates and Haunted Mansion like 4 times! Pretty much most of the rides we did, we rode more than once. Just a perfect visit for newbie Josh. It's the way it should be. :)

  9. LMAO!!! :lol:

    Aye the bride was one spooky damn chick! Love the ghostly piano player too. Only see his shadow there tickling the ivories. And of course, can't forget the floating candles down the long hallway. That is just so uber creepy! :unsure:

  10. As we stood in line for Small World I pointed out to you the uniforms they wore on the Disneyland Train. That's pretty much what I have to wear for work. Vest, white collared blouse and a stupid tie. Thankfully tho I sit in an air conditioned building. Those poor peeps ride around on that train in the very hot sun! No wonder they don't smile that much-lol!

  11. Got butt flutters eh? LMAO!!!!!

    Ah, yes, the ghostly chick at the end there. Reminds me of one really messed up little Barbie doll. With black hair and dressed all in black. Gothic Barbie-LOL!

  12. The bane of my existance-LOL! I don't remember ever having that much trouble with the waterfalls before. The water would just splash a little bit and that would be it. Not this past time! Damn water was dribbling down from the seat and down to my

    pants! :o

    "Ah, there you are, and just in time too. There's a little matter I forgot to mention. Beware of hitchhiking ghosts!" :o

  13. Yup, definitely just resting and taking it easy with the ac cranked up. It's extremely hot today, even the beaches are over 100 degrees! And, unfortunately, I do have to work today at 3:30. Ugh, the last thing I want to do is put on that stupid uniform in this horrible heat! *sigh* :o

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