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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Make your own. Buy a felt hat blank, cock it yourself, and trim it with whatever makes you happy. Stick a feather in it and call yourself macaroni if you so desire.

    Or, I'll do it for you, and only charge you $100.



    Where do you buy one? I looked into most of the fabric stores and they don't have it.

  2. Anyone from the San Diego area, need some help here. Where be a good place to get meself a good pirate-type hat. Preferably one with feathers and a nice wide brim. I found one at Comic Con, was simply perfect, til I saw the price, close to $200! I about flipped! It's a bloody hat, what the hell! So, any suggestions? :lol:

  3. If anyone of ye people watch the show Charmed, definitely watch tonight's episode. It will be a pirate episode. Looks really cool too!

    Phoebe: "Hot pirates? You mean hot like Johnny Depp hot?" LOL!

    It's on at 8pm on the WB

  4. Wow, great photos! Too bad I couldn't have made it, just so far away from the San Diego area. Some of the peeps of the Black Sail guild had asked if I'd be going. Ah, well, there's always the Escondido one coming up again Halloween weekend. Woo-hoo, lol! :huh:

  5. *comes in and see the floor is still a mess and shakes head*

    Tired of waiting around for my place to get cleaned up!

    *goes to the phone and makes a call. Not too long after a clean-up crew comes in and begins cleaning. In no time the floor is clean once again.*

    There much better! :ph34r:

  6. For awhile there was a midnight showing of Austin Powers in Hollyweird, the first movie that is. My guyfriend was hired to perform as Austin. It was pretty interesting! A Moulin Rouge interactive sounds cool! Where has that been happening at?

    The Pirates interactive at San Diego Comic Con this year went pretty well. :)

  7. I don't think it's going to be a prequel. Just by the way they're acting. Saying, "yes, he's coming back, but it's going to be a surprise as to how". Yup, they're going to resurrect him. Woo-hoo! B) Going to love the reactions of the other characters, especially Jack when they see Barbossa is back. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not? Oooh, too bad eh!" lol! B)

  8. *some time has passed. still laying face down on the towel, hair to the side, I sit up slowly with a sigh.*

    Indeed, good back rub mate!

    *Take the cloak I had on earlier and wrap it around meself*

    Nobody freak, I had on a sarong and a bikini top-lol!

    *Curl up back on the towel with the cloak acting as my blanket. the sound of the waves and salty sea breeze wafting by lull me back to sleep......* B)

  9. Aye, depression be a bad thing if you let it get to ya and take over like that. B)

    Oooooh.....a back rub ye say? Sounds good, I just came home not that long ago from work. *sits on towel that was spread out on the sand and pulls long blonde hair to the side and out of Tito's way*

  10. I look at it this way, at least they're posting. Didn't join, post maybe once and then disappear. That happens so much! I was talking with Capt. Morgan about this when he, my sis and I were at Disneyland. We were saying how someone's birthday will show up and that person joined like last year and never even posted once! Those peeps need to be scraped off the list. It shows how there's over a thousand members here, but only half, er, maybe not even half, actually post regularly.

  11. Okay, I swear, this whole weekend sucked! Friday was just so much fun as I had mentioned before. Saturday the cel phone went missing, ended up most likely being stolen. Had to de-activate it immediately and then replace it. Then came Sunday. It was going along just fine until I came home from work. I was getting out of my uniform when the phone rang. It was my guyfriend with bad news. His girlfriend from back in high school had killed herself. BTW, he is 43 so she was about a year or 2 younger than him. Anyway, I had met her back in 2001 for Christmas, that was the last time he saw her as well. She had been depressed for pretty much all of her life. In and out of different programs for mental help. I just feel so bummed, so sad for her that she chose to do this. :ph34r: *sigh*

    *walks along the beach, staring up at the moon and feeling the cool breeze waft by.*

  12. LOL! Well, we all just looked stupid standing there as they tried to pry open the elevator doors.

    And then today was no fun either. Someone stole our cel phone at a gas station. Argh! Wanted to find the bastard and throttle them! We immediately had it de-activated it and got a new phone. Still, petty crap like that pisses me off! :lol:

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