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Posts posted by Christine

  1. The reason why I said it would be boring if it is all about Jack is cuz there'd be no balance. And the same goes if it is just all about Barbossa. Having both of them back in the sequels will be awesome! They both create this balance which makes the movies more enjoyable.

    Someone mentioned it'd be a mistake bringing Barbossa back for the sequels. That it's time for a new villian. Well, look at the Star Wars movies, the triliogy that is. Darth Vader is an awesome villian and a vulnerable one at that, like Barbossa. It worked to keep bringing him back. Disney has their way to make it work with Barbossa as well. This is why it's taking so long to get the sequels done right. According to Bess she said we all will not be disappointed. :)

  2. It's cool that Jack Sparrow is an original character and I love Johnny Depp, but I always thought Jack to be too cartoony. Since it's a Disney movie it should be expected to have the main character be rather cartoony. But because of that it's why I like Barbossa better. He was the better pirate than Jack was. And I can't see the sequels being only about Jack, it will be quite boring. There needs to be that balance of both Jack and Barbossa, like with the first one. They are like night and day and you need both.

  3. Same here-lol! That would be the only way to go on this trip. *sigh* Looks like a ton of fun! Too bad they don't offer discounts or something. Perhaps all of us interested should pitch in for it. Would be cool to have a bunch of pirate friends go on this. :ph34r:

  4. Not quite Christine fine, (wooozers) but still good enough to snuggle and have a lobster dinner with.

    Ah, thank ye Merry! Tis so sweet and awesome too when women as well say woooozer about the way ye look! Ain't nothing finer to hear that from another lady. *hugs Merry and then pats her arse* ;)

    Especially after the day I had. Merry ye know what I had done, my doctor's appointment was today. I now be in a lot of pain and unfortunately have to go in to work. No one can cover for me. Luckily all the managers are playing hookey today. I decided not to wear my dumb uniform, I need loose fitting clothes since still feeling some pain. I have to wait 2 weeks for the results, ugh, that suckeths! lol!

  5. Glad to hear your top was found. Good thing it wasn't stolen at all. I had someone take a really cool lingerie outfit of mine. It was a supposed accident, but I still never got it back. My guyfriend got me a new one, it wasn't like the other one, but still is pretty cool anyway. :(

  6. Hong Kong action hero to star in sequels of "Pirates of the Caribbean"

    Wed Dec 15,12:19 PM ET Entertainment - AFP

    HONG KONG (AFP) - Hong Kong action hero Chow Yun-fat is set to star in the upcoming sequels of box office smash "Pirates of the Caribbean", a press report said.

    Citing Chow's wife, Jasmin Chan Wui-nin, Chinese-language newspaper Apple Daily said Chow will play the famous 15th century Chinese pirate Cheung Po Tsai for the second and third instalments of the film.

    Chow will team up with members of the original cast including Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush and Keira Knightley.

    Rolling Stone legend Keith Richards will also play the father of Depp's character, Captain Jack Sparrow.

    Chan said both the movie's producer and director contacted Chow's management company in the US two months ago and Director Gore Verbinski flew to Hong Kong last week to discuss the screenplay with Chow, the daily reported.

    "The director was very sincere about it and specially flew to Hong Kong and discuss the script with Fat Gor (Chow's nickname) ... but we cannot talk about the details until we sign the contract," Chan was quoted as saying.

    Chow made his name as a gun-toting hero in Hong Kong action filmmaker John Woo's classics "Hard-Boiled" and "A Better Tomorrow". His Hollywood movies include "Anna and the King" and "Bulletproof Monk".

  7. Yeah, sure, please. I'm curious to see how much they are for the hoodies. It be not that easy to find good piratey-type designs on hoodies lately. Even Hot Topic didn't really have much, except for Jack Sparrow or Wil Turner stuff. No Barbossa, what a rip off! :ph34r:

  8. I'm glad the Barbossa one will be a lot less! A hell of a lot less actually! I had heard how the Jack dolls sound and wasn't impressed. Doesn't really sound like him. Some does and then some doesn't. I can't wait til they release the Barbossa one, woo-hoo! :lol:

  9. Cheshire cat plushies have been available at both TDS and WDW. :D

    Well, the Disney Store closest to me told me they were out. They said I should keep checking when they'll get in some more. When I was last at Disneyland, this past Halloween, I found them there. I actually was not impressed with the way they look. Oh, well. Next time I wear my Alice in Wonderland costume I'll wear a sign for those who can't figure out who I am. "I am Alice in Wonderland! Not Dorothy, not Snow White and not Little Bo Beep, but Alice!" Sheesh! lol!

  10. *smiles while taking the tankard of rum from Doc*

    Thank ye! And today was better than yesterday. I still ran around a lot, but that one resident wasn't there. She was sent out to the hospital to the psyc ward cuz she was beating the LVN and caregiver last night after I left. They couldn't have her stay over night in the alz unit cuz they had no empty room for her. When they brought her back down to her own room she tried to escape again. So, since she was gone today it made things a lot easier! Tomorrow I have off, woo-hoo! And then Friday will be easy. It's our holiday party and we all can wear jeans and holiday sweatshirts. Yay, I won't have to wear my stupid uniform! :P

    Sure, Morgan, a back rub would be nice. And singing the Tiki Room chant would be cool too-lol! :P

  11. *walks towards the water and falls face down into it* <_<

    My job is going to be the death of me! I can't take it anymore! Each day is getting worse and it doesn't help that I get these squeezing chest pains. It causes shortness in breath for a brief few seconds. I cough to breathe normally again. I've gone to the doctor and found that it's only stress. Oooh, big surprise there! lol! I need to somehow calm down when it happens. HA! Easier said than done! Today was just insane! I knew there was trouble before I even walked in the door. A caregiver and one of the housekeepers were heading across the street to this serenity house, a house for battered women. I asked where they were going. They said to get the one resident we're having problems with. She escaped. She needs to be in the alzheimer unit, but the family can't afford it. She's gotten worse. When you try to redirect her somewhere else in the building she lashes out and cusses you out. We're under staffed so other than my usual receptionist duties I'm also helping out with caregiver stuff. I try to keep her from escaping while answering the phones. Today was also our tree trimming party. I ran myself all over the place. The resident tried to escape like 4 times within the short time I started my shift. Finally they put her up in the alzheimer unit until the daughter decides what she wants to do. The activities assistant called in sick so they asked me to call the Bingo tonight. So, I went from receptionist, to caregiver to activities person all in the same day. I just wanted to scream and run out the door! Not looking forward to tomorrow, God knows what craziness awaits me then. I'm only 28, but since being at this place for the past 2 years I feel like I'm 90! It's very stressful and tiring! *sigh* ;)

    *crawls back out of the water and collapses on the beach* ;)

  12. I think ye should go to one of Hugh's parties Christine!!

    Ye'd easily be DA BOMB of it all!!  :)

    Funny ye should bring that up. My guyfriend has gone there twice now for the Halloween parties. I still have yet to go. He's friends with a few of the guys who work at Playboy. You have to submit a little mini audition thru email in order to be accepted. The thing is that creepy girl who is still a thorn in my side became friends with his friends. So she's been getting in as well. I'm sure the fact that she has implants is partly why she's getting in. Perhaps they don't want girls with a natural chest around. B)

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