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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Lessee.... feeling a little bit better than before. Still have a slightly stuffy nose, but not as bad as before. No sore throat anymore, thankfully. Found out I'm allergic to the night time Nyquil. It was rather scary actually. First time I took it I was so desperate to breathe normally thru the night that I took 2 gel caps. Which, btw, said is the required dosage for adults. Well, I slept thru the night just fine, it's when I woke up. I sat up with my head spinning. I felt really weird. I went in to the bathroom and saw my pupils were dilated so wide. Standing was a bad thing. Next thing I knew, I felt all tingly and cold, blood pressure dropping, everything went from bright to dark. Okay, no more taking 2 of those! I thought that was what caused that to happen. So I tried only one gel cap last night so I again could sleep thru the night. I didn't pass out this time, but was still slightly dizzy and my eyes got dilated again. At one point I felt all cold, as if the blood pressure was dropping a little. Yup, I'm done, that's it for me, no more Nyquil. I never had a problem with it before until now, how weird.

  2. LOL! :huh: Suddenly that part from the Christmas show Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer comes to mind. The female deer Clarice tells Rudolph she thinks he's cute and then gives him a kiss. He jumps around and then flies around, all the while crying out, "she said I'm cute, she said I'm cute!!!!"

    Here, I'll tongue ya back: :lol: lol!

  3. That cold medicine has worked really well. My voice sounds more normal than yesterday, no more sore throat, a little stuffy nose, but more tolerable than before. It's still pouring rain tho, ugh!

    Aye, Galifrey convention. I only was there cuz my friend Emily reps celebs and had about 5 of them there. The theme this year was pirates, which was just perfect for me! :angry: That helped make it a little more exciting since I was feeling like crap that whole weekend. Galifrey is really for Dr. Who fans, but they have other sci fi stuff too, which is how Emily got her celebs in there.

  4. Like sh*t! I was up in LA this past weekend working the Galifrey convention, helping my friend out who reps celebs. The rains are so bad all over Southern California. I got quite sick since Thursday. I'm waiting for the cold medicine to kick in so I can breathe and go back to bed. So, yup, I feel like utter crap! It didn't help either when I slipped and fell carrying stuff to and from my guyfriend's garage. I bruised up my left hip and butt. I was like, "yup, great way to the end this weekend!" Damn these rains! :D

  5. Lessee.....other than Pirates of the Caribbean:

    Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

    The Harry Potter Movies

    Practical Magic


    When Harry Met Sally

    Sleepless in Seattle

    Cutthroat Island

    Muppet Treasure Island

    Bruce Almighty

    The Grinch


    Edward Scissorhands


    Sleepy Hollow

    Banger Sisters

    Shakespeare in Love

    The Star Wars movies (4, 5 and 6 tho, not the new ones)

    The Goonies

    Beauty and the Beast (Disney version)

    Alice in Wonderland (Disney version)

    The Wizard of Oz (timeless classic)

    Return to Oz

    A lot of the Hammer horror movies I found interesting for some odd reason

    THe Lord of the Rings movies

    The Beatles' Yellow Submarine

    The Princess Bride


    Rocky Horror Picture Show

    The Great Race

    Ever After

    Ugh, I could go on. I have such a variety!

  6. Yup, warm him up before he gets cold. Get it, being he just died and all-lol!

    Ah, yes, shopping at Vickies is a great way to spend a soggy, gloomy afternoon. I need a row boat, I swear. It's been pouring all day here!

  7. Her weak, pale form lays on the sand, on her side. Looking up wearily she watches the ghost ship with the vampire pirates sailing away. The pain in her neck continues to throb. Slowly she turns on to her back and sees Diego sitting there waiting for the others as they approach. Rogue stands ready with bow and arrow in hand.

  8. Oh, yeah, so now they're pirates? Cool! Which local faire is this?

    Aye, the Wilds. That's one I can't figure out either. And they go all out with their costumes and make-up. I noticed them popping up back at that Fallbrook one, when the Klingons showed up. They go to the local faires. I knew someone who was friends with one of them, but even she didn't know what it all meant. Or maybe she never asked them why they did it, I dunno-lol!

    Aye Mary, can't wait to see some pix of your garb. ;)

  9. The feeling of hitting the water hard instantly wakes up an unconscious Christine. She sputters about and sees the 2 men standing above her. They both have arrows in their backs, but don't appear harmed by it, more annoyed though. The one tries to reach for Christine again, but then flees when he sees people heading towards them. He snarls, showing off his fangs and then they both run off towards their ship like wounded animals.

    Christine feels so lightheaded and her neck hurts. The blood from the bite has dripped down to her chest. She slumps down in the water, holding a hand to her neck. She didn't drink the blood of a vampire so she won't turn, but she is very weak.

  10. The more lasses for ya, the better eh Phil? Reminds me of some of the guys I know up in Hollywood-lol! The Beach Boys really coined that phrase well, "2 girls for every guy!" But now in this case, "the one with the most lasses dies a happy man! ;)

  11. Cute Valentine boxers ye got there Phil! ;)

    I on the other hand be used to sharing. Do it all the time in the real world. Tis okay when it be with someone I like, so this will be a lot fun Merry! ;)

    *looks at Phil who be grinning and blushing like an idiot in his boxers*

  12. Unable to hear the cries of Diego and Tito, Christine wades into the water. One of the men notices her immediately and swims towards her. His long dark hair is pulled back with a red ribbon. His gaze is piercing, making it hard to look away. Neither of them spoke, but just continue to stare at each other. Slowly he pulls her into his embrace, gently caressing her pale skin. Christine is completely mezmerized as he leaves little kisses all over. Moving behind her now he nuzzles his velvety soft lips against her neck. One hand he places around her waist, the other is caressing her golden tresses. Feeling slightly lightheaded she leans back into his chest. He begins to kiss her neck, slowly at first. Then, without warning he sinks his teeth into her pale flesh. Christine tries to scream, but both pain and pleasure have taken over. He holds her close as he suckles from her. Feeling her swoon he sweeps her up into his arms. He motions to the other man to follow him back to their ship. Vampire pirates, preying on the innocent and Christine has become their newest victim.


    whoa, okay, did I make it too cheezy? Yea or Nay?

  13. I pretty much don't mind the fairies, elves, unicorns, hobbits and so on. But Klingons is when I draw the line! There was one ren faire that no longer exists. They went from Renaissance Faire to Fantasy faire. Everything went along okay until Klingons became involved as well. It just got a bit nutty! ;)

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