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Posts posted by Christine

  1. I'm pretty much steering clear of burgers. I may only give in once a month at the most, during that lovely time of the month that is-lol! I never had a problem with In and Out Burger, mmmm..... :ph34r:

    There's a restuarant right here in town, forget the name off hand. I think it's the Sand Crab. :ph34r: But anyway, they hand out bumper stickers that read "I got crabs!" lol! Good restaurant tho.

  2. *looks at Merry and then looks at the crab, er, what appears to be crab* :ph34r:

    Oh, geez! William's cook has poisoned us-lol! j/k Funny, but I shouldn't joke, especially since I had a touch of food poisoning on Sunday night well into early Monday morning. Blah, it was bloody awful! I got Jack in the box on the way home from work, what a mistake that was! I honestly can't remember when I had a burger last before then and now I know why, ugh! :ph34r:

  3. Muppet Tresure Island is a hoot -still makes me laugh my arse off! And, just an observation, but the soundtrack is done by the same guy who did the POTC soundtrack.

    Errol Flynn is good, but might be harder to follow for the wee littlies . . .

    Muppet Treasure Island was composed by Hans Zimmer. He also did the music for the Lion King. The music for Pirates is composed by Klaus Badelt.

    Yup, the Muppets, Hook and Peter Pan (either the cartoon or the one with Jason Issacs) are your best bets. :)

  4. Well, it sounds really cool and glad to hear they will not ruin the ride. Bad enough they changed the chase scene to the gluttony scene. But to do this dark, skeletal version every night? Don't know if that'd be a good idea. Maybe for the whole month of October and into November for Halloween. It still sounds really interesting tho. B)

  5. ROTFLOL! :rolleyes::lol::lol:

    Morgan, ye nut! I still laugh when I think about that, that someone other than meself and me nutty family talk that way! Much Grass and Poor Favor to ye too-LOL! :lol:

  6. *enjoying the halibut, the potatoes and the fine wine*

    'Ello there Tempest, glad ye found your way here. ;) William be indeed quite the gentleman. And what a great little restaurant he has here eh?

  7. Sure! Let's see what yummy things ye have available. *takes menu and looks thru while sipping the wine* I see ye have shrimp cocktails in the appetizer section. I definitely would love to start with that! :lol:

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