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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Ah, William, it would seem ye have returned safely from yer New York trip. I'll have some of that delious-looking quiche as well. Good times, good times indeed! And welcome to ye La Merfaucon! :rolleyes:

  2. He forgot his own name and it only be a nickname?! B) I thought it be Hector Barbossa. Hector being the name Johnny came up with and teased Geoffrey with during filming. Hey Bess, if the writers have any thoughts about giving Barbossa a woman for when he comes back to life tell them to give me a call, I'll play that woman-lol! B)

  3. Well, I ask, cuz I read this:


    Sande Alessi Casting has listed the names of about 30 men chosen to play pirates and other roles in POTC 2. They have all of them listed by parts.

    Turkish guards, Tortuga ( which will be in LA ), Dutchmen in LA, Dutch pirates for the Caribbean, prisoners for LA, black pirates and Dominicans.

    Sande listed all the names on their hotline. They have no shoot schedule for now since Gore and all are out on a location scout in the Caribbean right now. If you name was listed, just to stay tuned and do not contact them.

    They also mentioned that Gore has not gone through all of the cards from the first auditions..... so if you have not gotten called, you still may have a chance for POTC 2.

    Fittings will start in the next week or two. Plus they will start the scouting for POTC 3 soon.

    No info yet on the ladies who tried out but stay tuned.

    They still need the cannibals and odd looking pirates so if you know anyone send them on down to the casting office.

  4. Siren and Christine stand alone on the empty, quiet beach....wondering what the bloody hell is going on. The longer they stand there they see 2 men swimming about in the lagoon. The moonlight bathes them both in a warm silverly glow. Their bronze bodies seem to shimmer. A smile begins to form on both lasses and they saunter slowly towards the water, removing their clothing slowly.......

    lol! :ph34r: Hey, this could be fun eh Siren luv! :ph34r:

  5. Two years later, she had her dollhouse - a full gingerbread-dripping Victorian, 4'x4'x3'high, built stick-fashion (the way they make real houses - I made scale 2"x6"'s and even "plastered" some rooms), full electric, running water, mini stained glass that I made, full landscaping including the waterfall and pond...and the kicker - since you can't easily furnish a house that size due to restricted access, I built it so that the whole thing swiveled open (including the table) 3 ways...

    ...so no, I don't think you need to get a life! :lol:

    A doll house with electricity, running water, mini stained glass windows and so on? Whoa! :lol: That sounds awesome! I would love to see something like that. :)

  6. And can' forget the other version of that:

    In days of olde

    When Knights were bold

    And toilets weren't invented

    They dropped their load

    In the road

    And walked away contented.

    lol! :lol:

  7. *waves and smiles while eating the gucamole, chips and drinking the margarita*

    Aye William! I'll keep this place in shape and keep the customers happy....within reason that is lads-lol!

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