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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Aye Christine, Laura and Diego yer wishes be very fine ones indeed.

    Christine I know what ye be goin through with holiday angst.

    Be our mums bring it about in our home. We had them both fer Tgiving (we hadn't a choice mind you) and it was like having 2 more kids along with the 3 we already had. Wendys mum is like a toddler and mine is like the 9 year old know it all. They start pushing for time even before fall gets goin. For Christmas we sat down while we had them both (during Tgiving) and spelled out what we would like as far as them coming out. First its going to be seperately and second its shorter visits.

    They think all our time is their time and it wreaks havoc cuz we wake up and discover we had NO time for ourselves.

    Laura I be sure you give plenty of love to yer mate. Do yer best to encourage her. Ask her to see if Target has scholarships. Some chains do for workers who are starting off in college.

    Diego I hope we can all share ourselves with others this holiday, even if it means some change in the Salvation Army pots.

    For ye all: Christine I wish happiness and to get to be WHERE you want and with who you want this holiday. Let S. California see that beauty of yours at one party, gathering, or another.

    Laura I wish success in all you have the rest of this semester and a nice time with you family on your trip. I wish for you lots of love and to have good family and friends around you. I wish a new man sometime soon who is ready to really have a relationship.

    Diego I wish a full year of love and happiness with those around you.

    Mary, welcome lass. I wish a year filled with more happiness than ye have been in lately.


    Awww.....how sweet of ya Tito! I still have no idea what I'm doing for Christmas tho, but thank ye anyway-lol!

  2. My wish would be it were January 1st, the holidays would be over. My family is pretty insane! Every year it never fails, they start arguing by Halloween and it continues on into the new year. My aunt screamed out that she wants to cancel Christmas. Her and my grandmother are going back and forth and dragging me poor mom in the middle! It's why a lot of times I go to LA for Christmas, to escape the drama-lol!

  3. I too would love to cruise around in a Mustang like that. If I could afford it that is. ;) As I told ya, ask my guyfriend about seeing if he knows anyone who'd want it. He knows a lot of people in the Hollyweird area. Best of luck to ya! B)

  4. Bess would know if this is true or just another rumour. I honestly don't know why Johnny based his character on Keith anyway. The guy is so freakin' fried! He makes no sense when he talks, he's a mess! Worse than Jack Sparrow. Keith wishes he could be more like Jack or that good looking!

  5. He does a variety of voices. Like one time he did the voice of Bert and Ernie. Another time he did the Grinch. Then sometimes talking trees, 2 of the 3 wise men and so on. I've even gone with him a few times to Seth Mcfarlane's parties he has up in the Hollywood Hills. Seth does the voice of Brian the dog, Stewie the baby and Peter the father. He also is the creator of the show. Here's his website, has everything on him: http://www.wallyontheweb.com

  6. I love Spongebob and will most definitely see this movie. Just probably not in the theater-lol!

    I like the theme song to Fairly Odd Parents, that's the extent of it tho. I really only watched one episode, only cuz me guyfriend did voice over for it.

    Oh, yes, Invader Zim is awesome! Me guyfriend does the voice of Almighty Tallest Red. Very good friends with Richard Horvitz (Zim), knew him before he worked on Zim. And Jhonen is also a great guy, hung out with him a few times too. The guy who does Gir's voice is also really cool too! In case ya didn't guess it, me guyfriend be a voice-over actor up there in Hollyweird. Also can be heard in Family Guy as well, does many various voices.

  7. Aye, there are more bottled blondes than real ones. But even the real blondes have to color their hair at some point in their life. Both my mom and dad were both blonde as kids. I say, whatever color looks best, whether colored or not, than who cares. Personally, light brown on me was horrible! I am very pale and the darker color just didn't look right at all. I went blonde back in 1998, been that way since. Look at Britney Spears, she looks horrible as a brunette. She colored it like that for her wedding. I almost didn't know who it was. Blonde just works for her. What works for some people doesn't on others. And coloring one's hair red is tricky. Not many can pull that off. Even more tricky than going blonde says I! Besides, a good personality outshines all that other stuff anyway. :)

  8. I got my coin from my guyfriend as a birthday present last year. He got it from someone he knows who made them for the movie. That person was selling some of them on Ebay and he got one before they put them up there. I wonder if they're still selling them? ^_^

  9. If ya get yourself any gift cards use it towards the gift set. It's what I did. Won a gift card at work. Saved it to use on the gift set. Only paid $6.93 to make up the difference. It was worth using up the gift card on it! :)

  10. Bess, is girls needed for a scene in which Barbossa finally gets to make some lovin'? After 10 years of nothing I'm sure he'll be needing it! And once being resurrected, gets back on to dry land he'll be looking for a woman of the night to help him out! I'd love to audtion for a part like that! :D Okay, I be kidding.....somewhat.... :D There probably won't be something like that, this is Disney after all, but a girl can dream can't she-lol!

  11. I didn't know guests could even post? How odd! And what a nasty little.....person she be! Funny, she has to come all the way on to a pirate board, waste her time to post to us and tell us to grow up. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, dealing with a real mind

    here! ;)

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