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Posts posted by Christine

  1. As with all things, the dance came to it's end.

    Well, would you like to head out to the backyard pool? We could float around on the floating chairs, give ya a chance to cool off. Unless you're enjoying the heat? :rolleyes:

  2. She took his hand and placed it on her petal soft collarbone. Reaching up on tip toes she whisperd, "I have me own boat. I actually was escaping from my father. But for the moment, that is pointless. I'm here now, as are you." She was feeling bolder as she continued to lean into him......

  3. She giggled softly, seeing him stumble over his words. Here she was being so nervous at his presence when he himself was just as nevous. Babbling like a shy school boy.

    Gasping again when he touched her cheek. She reached up and placed her hand on top of his. Her small pale hand over his large tanned one.

    "A pirate ye say...." her voice coming out in a whisper. The idea of that excited her more........

  4. His touch sends a slight tingly sensation through her. Closing her eyes, she lets out a small breath.

    She is surprised by his question, for she had thought the same thing.

    "Forgive me, but I thought it was I were dreaming. I thought I was alone."

  5. He moved towards her slowly with all the grace of a panther. And she, standing there, unable to move, his prey. Time seemed to have slowed down, no sound was heard except for her breathing and loud heart beats. At one point he stopped just a couple of feet away and just gazed at her.......her breath caught in her throat.....

  6. He has seen her!

    She freezes where she stands as she watches him walk back into the water. Wanting to swim as fast as she can towards her clothes and run, but at the same time wants to see what will happen. She pulls on her long blonde hair as a protective cloak across her chest......

  7. Still standing still, wishing she could somehow reach for her bikini top and bottom. It was silly to think she'd be the only one in here. When he turned his back she moved slowly to the side, towards her swim wear. He stops and so does she, gasping slightly......

  8. She stops moving for a moment and just watches, transfixed. It's as if he were some greek god. Blushing slightly, she pulls a hand over her bare chest, breathing deeply while continuing to watch this man.

  9. Oh, btw Charity, Jack the monkey is on the correct shoulder. I'm looking at him right now as he sits on my computer desk. The hole in the shoulder is on the left side. I have checked pictures and every single one shows the monkey on the left side. Remember, when you look at a pic it's our right, his left. But he sits on Barbossa's left shoulder, just like with the toy.

  10. It was funny when I bought the Barbossa at Hot Topic, the guy says to me:

    "Have you been buying in the series already?"

    "No, this is my first."

    "And you're starting with Barbossa? Wow, very cool!"

    "Well, he's my favorite."

    "He was the better pirate and Geoffrey Rush rocks!"

    "Jack was cool and also original, but he was more like a cartoon."

    LOL! :ph34r: Cool huh?

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