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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Oh, yes, didn't forget that luv! Just finished the rest of celebrating me sister Sabrina's birthday, yesterday and Friday.

    A HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: And your hubby better give you a really good one today or else I'm heading out there! lol!

    Pirate strippers huh? Well, let's see if Crimson Crow and William Red Wake can help out. They could wear a g string under tight black pants, no shirt and then a little black bow tie. We'll all cheer them on as they strip down and put dollars in the g-string. LOL! :lol:

  2. Welcome back Bess! :lol: Now you can tell us why Disney is being poops and doing this 3 disc gift set thing? They could sell just the one disc with the never before seen footage and will do just fine in sales. There are thousands upon thousands of Pirate fans out there, they would have nothing to worry about. :)

  3. Those bums! Why can't they sell this special feature thing seperate? The first 2 discs are exactly the same! The only other difference is the 3rd one. Disney sucks when they pull this crap! Argh! :lol:

  4. Awwww...poor Michael, you made him older. He's only 62. Born in 1942 on January 19th. Okay, I admit it, long time ago I used to be in his phan club-lol! Ah, yes, he is damn sexy! His voice is so haunting! I see Josh Groban following in Michael's footsteps. First time I heard Josh sing I thought it was Michael. Ah, le swoon, le sigh.... :lol:

  5. Oh, yeah, the one just called "The Pirate" with Judy Garland. That was really good! Yup, love "Meet me in St. Louis" too. "Ding, Ding, went the trolley, Zing, Zing went my heart!" lol!

  6. Ah, cool Siren! I used to dress up as Elvira a lot for a few Halloweens a long time ago. Easy costume to put together. :) *ponders* Not sure what to do this year. I'm being bugged by co-workers to be Alice in Wonderland again. I did that last year, no wig required for that. lol!

  7. Jimmy Buffet down at the Coors Ampitheater??!! :lol: I didn't hear about it, OMG! Gotta look in to that and see how much the tix are! Would love to see that! So, funny, the other day we had a cocktail party at my work for the residents. They asked me to set up the cd player right by the patio and pick something to play. I grabbed the Buffet cd that we have at the front. Everyone loved it! lol!

  8. I knew they would do this, just knew it! Get us all to buy the first one, but not put everything on it. Then, put out another one with even more stuff. Yeah, it does seem somewhat the same, but maybe there's more on the Blooper Reel, like more Geoffrey! There damn well better be more

    Geoffrey on this new one! :lol:

    Ooooh, and in November! It'll either be an early or late birthday pressie to meself! :) Right up there with the Pirate dolls coming out around that same time too. Woo-hoo! Going to have a good birthday says I! :lol:

  9. Sorry mates, I won't be able to make it. Was going to try, but really can't. Really can't afford to do so. My next payday isn't until the 31st, but that doesn't help with this coming weekend. Also, it's not around the corner either. It's quite a drive up there, and damn gas guzzeling cars! Those of you still going, have tons of fun and take pixs! :(

  10. Well, I'll guess we'll both have to shower now-lol! :D *pulls out water balloon and hurls it at the scampering Siren, where it soaks her good* Right then, I feel better, off to the showers now-lol!

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