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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Ten Ways to Looty the Booty"

    1. Are ye intrested in Booty? Aye

    2. Do ye like to feel the Booty after ye looted it? *ROFL* Aye-most definitely! Run my hands thru it, jump in it. Er, you get the idea. lol! :lol:

    3. Do you believe all Treasure be Silver and Gold mate? Aye

    4. Are ye savvy enough to handle yer looted booty? Sure, I mean, Aye!

    5. Parrots or monkeys fer yer Pet? Which do ye prefer? Ah..Um...monkey

    6. If your holds are already bursting with swag does a little bit of shine matter to ye? Aye

    7. Do Ye share yer Booty? LOL! Aye!

    8. What do ye prefer to spend yer loot more on, booze or pleasurable company? pleasurable company. :lol:

    9. Do ye believe in Take what ye can and give nothing back? Or do ye leave a tip? Give nothing back!

    10. Have ye threatened me before? (me as in the magazine) LOL! Nay!

    43 points, yup definitely a pirate, woo-hoo-lol!

  2. Oh, yeah, I think it was her from Berlin. Ah, good group, good songs.

    Loved The Metro song! :lol:

    Anyone watched porn from the 80's and even late 70's, the way their hairstyles and lingeries were then? And also how people didn't shave in certain areas like now either-lol! Some friends I know actually have some of the older stuff. It's so bizarre to see that, we certainly have changed a lot since then-lol!

  3. Ah, Cheryl, no worries even if you did. He be a single gent, so it's all good. :)

    Blackjohn, gents have been crashing this party for some time now, no worries. Might as well hang out too. lol!

  4. BTW Muse, I just now got your PM. I went to see if I could get into the chatroom and it works just fine. I just opened it and it worked. Hmmm.... Do you have a pop-up blocker or firewall? I have a pop-up blocker, I simply turn it off and then open the chatroom.

  5. Yeah, we have an assortment of chocolates and such to nosh on til dinner's ready. Go ahead. *takes pillow and the bottle of Jack Daniels to add to our ever growing pile* :lol:

    Aye, Crimson, get your cute self in here! :D

  6. *gasps* Faith Hill song! *runs to sing next to Siren* This Kiss, unthinkable! It's the way you love me...." LOL!

    Aye, perhaps that be a good idea, rig the place. If he does that again I'm definitely going to knee him in the family jewels!

  7. Nope, guess not-lol! *takes bottle and downs it* Blah, need to get the smell out of me, that was freakin' gross! *takes another drink, upon another, but also giggling here and there*. I feel like we're back in grade school or something. When the boys like you they do gross things to prove it. *gags again at the smell and downs the whole rest of the drink* Oops, need another bottle, I drank all of yours, sorry about that-lol! :unsure:

  8. *completely taken by surprise, lets Studley kiss her. Stands there looking very surprised as he then leaves. Moves to the piles of blankets and pillows and just sits down quietly. Turns on the tv.* Um, okay....anyone up for a movie? :unsure:

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